- Lagu I Wonder What Happened To Him? Lirik Terjemahan

Verse 1
Ayat 1

The India that one read about
India yang dibacanya
And may have been misled about
Dan mungkin telah disesatkan
In one respect has kept itself intact.
Dalam satu hal telah menjaga dirinya tetap utuh.
Though ‘Pukka Sahib' traditions may have cracked
Meskipun tradisi Pukka Sahib mungkin telah retak
And thinned
Dan menipis
The good old Indian army's still a fact.
Tentara India tua yang baik masih merupakan fakta.
That famous monumental man
Pria monumental yang terkenal itu
The Officer and Gentleman
Petugas dan Gentleman
Still lives and breathes and functions from Bombay to Katmandu
Masih hidup dan bernafas dan berfungsi dari Bombay ke Katmandu
At any moment one can glimpse
Setiap saat seseorang bisa melihat sekilas
Matured or embryonic ‘Blimps'
Matured or embryonic & lsquo; Blimps ‘
Vivaciously speculating as to what became of who.
Dengan curiga berspekulasi tentang siapa yang menjadi siapa.
Though Eastern sounds may fascinate your ear
Meskipun suara-suara Timur bisa membuat telinga Anda terpesona
When West meets West you're always sure to hear-
Ketika Barat bertemu dengan Barat, Anda selalu yakin untuk mendengar-

Refrain 1
Menahan diri 1

Whatever became of old Bagot?
Apa yang terjadi dengan Bagot tua?
I haven't seen him for a year.
Aku belum pernah bertemu dengannya selama setahun.
Is it true that young Forbes had to marry that Faggot
Benarkah Forbes muda harus menikahi Fagot itu
He met in the Vale of Kashmir?
Dia bertemu di Vale of Kashmir?
Have you had any news
Apakah kamu punya berita
Or that chap in the “Blues”,
Atau itu chap di & ldquo; Blues & rdquo ;,
Was it Prosser or Pyecroft or Pym?
Apakah itu Prosser atau Pyecroft atau Pym?
He was stationed in Simla, or was it Bengal?
Dia ditempatkan di Simla, atau apakah itu Bengal?
I know he got tight at a ball in Nepal
Saya tahu dia mengetuk bola di Nepal
And wrote several four-letter words on the wall.
Dan menulis beberapa kata empat huruf di dinding.
I wonder what happened to him!
Aku ingin tahu apa yang terjadi padanya!

Refrain 2
Tolak 2

Whatever became of old Shelley?
Apa pun yang terjadi dengan Shelley tua?
Is it true that young Briggs was cashiered
Benarkah Briggs muda itu dikucilkan
For riding quite nude on a push-bike through Delhi
Untuk mengendarai cukup telanjang di atas motor push melalui Delhi
The day the new Viceroy appeared?
Pada hari ketika Viceroy baru muncul?
Have you had any word
Apakah kamu punya kata?
Of that bloke in the ‘Third',
Dari cowok di & lsquo; ketiga ‘,
Was it Southerby, Sedgwick or Sim?
Apakah itu Southerby, Sedgwick atau Sim?
They had him thrown out of the club in Bombay
Mereka menyuruhnya keluar dari klub di Bombay
For, apart from his mess bill exceeding his pay,
Sebab, terlepas dari tagihan messnya yang melebihi gaji,
He took to pig-sticking in quite the wrong way.
Dia mengambil pig-sticking dengan cara yang salah.
I wonder what happened to him!
Aku ingin tahu apa yang terjadi padanya!

Verse 2
Ayat 2

One must admit that by and large
Orang harus mengakui bahwa pada umumnya
Upholders of the British Raj*
Upholders dari Raj Inggris *
Don't shine in conversation as a breed.
Jangan bersinar dalam percakapan sebagai berkembang biak.
Though Indian army officers can read
Meskipun perwira militer India bisa membaca
A bit
Their verbal wit-has rather run to seed.
Kecerdasan verbal mereka-lebih suka lari ke benih.
Their splendid insularity
Kelalaian mereka yang indah
And roguish jocularity
Dan jokularitas yang membingungkan
Was echoing through when Victoria was Queen.
Bergema saat Victoria menjadi Ratu.
In restaurants and dining-cars,
Di restoran dan restoran,
In messes, clubs and hotel bars
Dalam kekacauan, klub dan bar hotel
They try to maintain tradition in the way it's
Mereka mencoba mempertahankan tradisi seperti itu