Terjemahan Lirik - Where Next Columbus?

Anothers hope, anothers game,
Anothers berharap, permainan anothers,
Anothers loss, anothers gain,
Anothers kehilangan, anothers keuntungan,
Anothers lies, anothers truth,
Anothers berbohong, anothers truth,
Anothers doubt, anothers proof.
Anothers ragu, bukti anothers.
Anothers left, anothers right,
Anothers pergi, benar,
Anothers peace, anothers fight,
Anothers kedamaian, anothers berkelahi,
Anothers name, anothers aim,
Anothers nama, anothers tujuan,
Anothers fall, anothers fame.
Anothers jatuh, ketenaran orang lain.
Anothers pride, anothers shame,
Anothers bangga, aneman malu,
Anothers love, anothers pain,
Anothers cinta, sakit anothers,
Anothers hope, anothers game,
Anothers berharap, permainan anothers,
Anothers loss, anothers gain.
Anothers kehilangan, anothers keuntungan.
Anothers lies, anothers truth,
Anothers berbohong, anothers truth,
Anothers doubt, anothers proof.
Anothers ragu, bukti anothers.
Anothers left, anothers right,
Anothers pergi, benar,
Anothers peace, anothers fight.
Anothers kedamaian, anothers berkelahi.

Marx had an idea from the confusion of his head,
Marx memiliki gagasan dari kebingungan kepalanya,
Then there were a thousand more waiting to be led.
Lalu ada seribu lebih menunggu untuk dipimpin.
The books are sold, the quotes are bought,
Buku-buku itu dijual, kutipannya dibeli,
You learn them well and then you're caught.
Anda mempelajarinya dengan baik dan kemudian Anda tertangkap.
Anothers left, anothers right,
Anothers pergi, benar,
Anothers peace, anothers fight.
Anothers kedamaian, anothers berkelahi.

Mussolini had an idea from the confusion of his heart,
Mussolini punya ide dari kebingungan hatinya,
Then there were a thousand more waiting to play their part.
Lalu ada seribu lebih menunggu untuk memainkan peran mereka.
The stage was set, the costumes worn
Panggung ditetapkan, kostumnya dipakai
And anothers empire of destruction born.
Dan anothers kekaisaran kehancuran lahir.
Anothers name, anothers aim,
Anothers nama, anothers tujuan,
Anothers fall, anothers fame.
Anothers jatuh, ketenaran orang lain.

Jung had an idea from the confusion of his dream,
Jung mendapat ide dari kebingungan mimpinya,
Then there were a thousand more waiting to be seen.
Lalu ada seribu lebih menunggu untuk dilihat.
You're not yourself the theory says,
Anda sendiri bukan teori yang mengatakan,
But I can help, your complex pays.
Tapi saya bisa membantu, membayar kompleks Anda.
Anothers hope, anothers game,
Anothers berharap, permainan anothers,
Anothers loss, anothers gain.
Anothers kehilangan, anothers keuntungan.

Sartre had an idea from the confusion of his brain,
Sartre mendapat ide dari kebingungan otaknya,
Then there were a thousand more indulging in his pain,
Lalu ada seribu lebih memanjakan rasa sakitnya,
Revelling in isolation and existential choice;
Berkah dalam isolasi dan pilihan eksistensial;
Can you trully be alone when you use anothers voice?
Bisakah Anda menyendiri saat menggunakan suara orang lain?
Anothers lies, anothers truth,
Anothers berbohong, anothers truth,
Anothers doubt, anothers proof.
Anothers ragu, bukti anothers.

The idea born in someones mind
Gagasan yang terlahir di benak seseorang
Is nurtured by a thousand blind
Dipelihara seribu buta
Anonymous beings, vacuous souls,
Anonim makhluk, jiwa hampa,
Do you fear the confusion, your lack of control?
Apakah Anda takut akan kebingungan, kurangnya kontrol Anda?
You lift your arm to write a name,
Anda mengangkat tangan untuk menulis sebuah nama,
So caught up in the identity game.
Jadi terjebak dalam permainan identitas.
Who do you see? Who do you watch?
Siapa yang kamu lihat Siapa yang kamu tonton?
Who's your leader? Which is your flock?
Siapa pemimpinmu Siapa kawananmu?
Who do you watch? Who do you watch?
Siapa yang kamu tonton? Siapa yang kamu tonton?
Who do you watch? Who do you watch?
Siapa yang kamu tonton? Siapa yang kamu tonton?
Who do you watch? Who
Siapa yang kamu tonton? Siapa