Arti dan Lirik - Marrakesh Night Market

They're gathered in circles
Mereka berkumpul di lingkaran
the lamps light their faces
lampu lampu wajah mereka
The crescent moon rocks in the sky
Bulan sabit berbatu di langit
The poets of drumming
Penyair drum
keep heartbeats suspended
jaga agar detak jantung tetap tersendat
The smoke swirls up and then it dies
Asap berputar dan kemudian mati

Would you like my mask?
Maukah kamu topengku?
would you like my mirror?
apakah kamu mau cermin ku?
cries the man in the shadowing hood
teriak pria di kap bayangan itu
You can look at yourself
Anda bisa melihat diri Anda sendiri
you can look at each other
Anda bisa saling melihat
or you can look at the face of your god
atau Anda bisa melihat wajah tuhan Anda

The stories are woven
Cerita-cerita itu ditenun
and fortunes are told
dan keberuntungan diceritakan
The truth is measured by the weight of your gold
Kebenaran diukur dengan berat emas Anda
The magic lies scattered
Keajaiban itu tersebar
on rugs on the ground
di atas karpet di tanah
Faith is conjured in the night market's sound
Iman disihir dalam suara pasar malam

Would you like my mask?
Maukah kamu topengku?
would you like my mirror?
apakah kamu mau cermin ku?
cries the man in the shadowing hood
teriak pria di kap bayangan itu
You can look at yourself
Anda bisa melihat diri Anda sendiri
you can look at each other
Anda bisa saling melihat
or you can look at the face of your god
atau Anda bisa melihat wajah tuhan Anda

The lessons are written
Pelajaran ditulis
on parchments of paper
pada perkamen kertas
They're carried by horse from the river Nile
Mereka dibawa kuda dari sungai Nil
says the shadowy voice
kata suara bayangan itu
In the firelight, the cobra
Dalam cahaya api, kobra
is casting the flame a winsome smile
adalah melemparkan nyala api tersenyum

Would you like my mask?
Maukah kamu topengku?
would you like my mirror?
apakah kamu mau cermin ku?
cries the man in the shadowing hood
teriak pria di kap bayangan itu
You can look at yourself
Anda bisa melihat diri Anda sendiri
you can look at each other
Anda bisa saling melihat
or you can look at the face of your god
atau Anda bisa melihat wajah tuhan Anda