Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu I Had A Dream, Joe

I had a dream
saya bermimpi
I had a dream
saya bermimpi
I had a dream, Joe
Aku bermimpi, Joe

I had a dream, Joe
Aku bermimpi, Joe
You were standing in the middle of an open road
Anda berdiri di tengah jalan yang terbuka
I had a dream, Joe
Aku bermimpi, Joe
Your hands were raised up to the sky
Tanganmu diangkat ke langit
And your mouth was covered in foam
Dan mulutmu tertutup busa
I had a dream, Joe
Aku bermimpi, Joe
A shadowy Jesus flitted from tree to tree
Sebuah bayangan Yesus melayang dari pohon ke pohon
I had a dream, Joe
Aku bermimpi, Joe
And a society of whores stuck needles in an image of me
Dan masyarakat pelacur menusukkan jarum suntik ke dalam bayangan saya
I had a dream, Joe
Aku bermimpi, Joe
It was Autumn time and thickly fell the leaves
Saat itu adalah musim gugur dan jatuh daunnya dengan tebal
And in that dream, Joe
Dan dalam mimpi itu, Joe
A pimp in seersucker suit sucked a toothpick
Seorang germo dengan baju seersucker mengisap tusuk gigi
And pointed his finger at me
Dan mengarahkan jarinya padaku

I had a dream,
Saya bermimpi,
I had a dream,
Saya bermimpi,
I had a dream, Joe
Aku bermimpi, Joe

I opened my eyes, Joe
Aku membuka mataku, Joe
The night had been a giant, dribbling and pacing the boards
Malam itu adalah raksasa, menggiring bola dan mondar-mandir di papan
I opened my eyes, Joe
Aku membuka mataku, Joe
All your letters and cards stacked up against the door
Semua surat dan kartu Anda tertumpuk di pintu
I opened my eyes, Joe
Aku membuka mataku, Joe
The morning light came slowly tumbling through the crack
Cahaya pagi datang perlahan-lahan jatuh melalui celah
In the window, Joe
Di jendela, Joe
And I thought of you and I felt like I was lugging
Dan aku memikirkanmu dan aku merasa seperti sedang menyeretku
A body on my back
Tubuh di punggungku

I had a dream,
Saya bermimpi,
I had a dream,
Saya bermimpi,
I had a dream, Joe
Aku bermimpi, Joe

Where did you go, Joe?
Kemana kamu pergi, Joe?
On that endless, senseless, demented drift
Pada drift tanpa henti, tidak masuk akal dan gila itu
Where did you go, Joe?
Kemana kamu pergi, Joe?
Into the woods, into the trees, where you move and shift
Ke hutan, ke pepohonan, tempat Anda bergerak dan bergeser
Where did you go, Joe?
Kemana kamu pergi, Joe?
All dressed up in your ridiculous seersucker suit
Semua mengenakan setelan seersucker konyolmu
Where did you go, Joe?
Kemana kamu pergi, Joe?
With that strew of wreckage
Dengan tumpukan reruntuhan itu
Forever at the heel of your boot
Selamanya di tumit boot Anda

I had a dream
saya bermimpi
I had a dream
saya bermimpi
I had a dream, Joe
Aku bermimpi, Joe
I had a dream
saya bermimpi
I had a dream
saya bermimpi
I had a dream, Joe
Aku bermimpi, Joe