Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik Bob Dylan - George Jackson

I woke up this mornin',
Aku bangun pagi ini ‘,
There were tears in my bed.
Ada air mata di tempat tidurku.
They killed a man I really loved
Mereka membunuh seorang pria yang sangat saya cintai
Shot him through the head.
Menembaknya melalui kepala.
Lord, Lord,
Tuhan, Tuhan,
They cut George Jackson down.
Mereka memotong George Jackson.
Lord, Lord,
Tuhan, Tuhan,
They laid him in the ground.
Mereka membaringkannya di tanah.

Sent him off to prison
Mengirimnya ke penjara
For a seventy-dollar robbery.
Untuk perampokan tujuh puluh dolar.
Closed the door behind him
Tutup pintunya di belakangnya
And they threw away the key.
Dan mereka membuang kuncinya.
Lord, Lord, They cut George Jackson down.
Tuhan, Tuhan, Mereka memotong George Jackson.
Lord, Lord,
Tuhan, Tuhan,
They laid him in the ground.
Mereka membaringkannya di tanah.

He wouldn't take shit from no one
Dia tidak akan menyebalkan dari siapa pun
He wouldn't bow down or kneel.
Dia tidak akan sujud atau berlutut.
Authorities, they hated him
Pihak berwenang, mereka membencinya
Because he was just too real.
Karena dia terlalu nyata.
Lord, Lord,
Tuhan, Tuhan,
They cut George Jackson down.
Mereka memotong George Jackson.
Lord, Lord,
Tuhan, Tuhan,
They laid him in the ground.
Mereka membaringkannya di tanah.

Prison guards, they cursed him
Penjaga penjara, mereka mengutuknya
As they watched him from above
Saat mereka mengawasinya dari atas
But they were frightened of his power
Tapi mereka takut pada kekuatannya
They were scared of his love.
Mereka takut akan cintanya.
Lord, Lord,
Tuhan, Tuhan,
So they cut George Jackson down.
Jadi mereka memotong George Jackson.
Lord, Lord,
Tuhan, Tuhan,
They laid him in the ground.
Mereka membaringkannya di tanah.

Sometimes I think this whole world
Terkadang saya pikir seluruh dunia ini
Is one big prison yard.
Apakah satu halaman penjara besar.
Some of us are prisoners
Beberapa dari kita adalah tahanan
The rest of us are guards.
Sisanya kita adalah penjaga.
Lord, Lord,
Tuhan, Tuhan,
They cut George Jackson down.
Mereka memotong George Jackson.
Lord, Lord,
Tuhan, Tuhan,
They laid him in the ground.
Mereka membaringkannya di tanah.