Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu When You Were Young

Look at the fool you have been
Lihatlah orang bodoh Anda
They drained the pool while you drowned in the dream
Mereka menghabiskan kolam saat Anda tenggelam dalam mimpi itu
They bought your beauty and your soul
Mereka membeli kecantikan dan jiwamu
Then softly sold you back what they stole
Kemudian dengan lembut menjual kembali apa yang mereka curi

So look into the mirror do you recognise someone
Jadi, lihatlah ke cermin apakah Anda mengenal seseorang?
Is it who you always hoped you would become
Apakah itu yang selalu Anda harapkan?
When you were young
Ketika kamu kecil

The disappointment of success
Kekecewaan sukses
Hangs from your shoulders like a hand-me down dress
Hang dari bahu Anda seperti gaun tangan-saya
And down nostalgia’s rocky road
Dan menyusuri jalan berbatu nostalgia & rsquo;
You watch your former lovers growing old
Anda melihat mantan kekasih Anda tumbuh tua

So look into the mirror do you recognise someone
Jadi, lihatlah ke cermin apakah Anda mengenal seseorang?
Is it who you always hoped you would become
Apakah itu yang selalu Anda harapkan?
When you were young
Ketika kamu kecil

Sometimes your lack of sympathy gets hard to explain
Terkadang kurangnya simpati Anda sulit dijelaskan
So on your mask of make up just paint
Jadi pada topeng make up hanya cat
A little parody of pain
Sedikit parodi rasa sakit

So I look into the mirror and I recognise someone
Jadi saya melihat ke cermin dan saya mengenali seseorang
It is who you always hoped you would become
Itulah yang selalu Anda harapkan
When you were young
Ketika kamu kecil