Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik Jethro Tull - The Story Of The Hare Who Lost His Spectacles

This is the story of the hare who lost his spectacles.
Inilah kisah kelinci yang kehilangan kacamatanya.

Owl loved to rest quietly whilst no one was watching.
Owl senang beristirahat dengan tenang sementara tidak ada yang melihat.
Sitting on a fence one day,
Duduk di pagar suatu hari,
he was surprised when suddenly a kangaroo ran close by.
Dia terkejut saat tiba-tiba seekor kanguru berlari mendekat.
Now this may not seem strange, but when Owl overheard Kangaroo whisper to no one in
Sekarang ini mungkin tidak aneh, tapi saat Owl mendengar Kanguru berbisik kepada siapa pun
“The hare has lost his spectacles,” well, he began to wonder.
“Kelinci itu telah kehilangan kacamatanya,” yah, dia mulai bertanya-tanya.
Presently, the moon appeared from behind a cloud and there, lying on the grass was hare.
Saat ini, bulan muncul dari balik awan dan di sana, terbaring di rumput adalah kelinci.
In the stream that flowed by the grass a newt.
Di sungai yang mengalir oleh rumput menjadi yang baru.
And sitting astride a twig of a bush a bee. Ostensibly motionless, the hare was trembling with
Dan duduk mengangkang ranting semak lebah. Dengan pura-pura tidak bergerak, kelinci itu gemetar
excitement, for without his spectacles he was completely helpless.
Kegembiraan, karena tanpa kacamata, dia sama sekali tidak berdaya.
Where were his spectacles?
Dimana kacamatanya?
Could someone have stolen them?
Mungkinkah seseorang telah mencuri mereka?
Had he mislaid them?
Apakah dia salah menaruhnya?
What was he to do?
Apa yang harus dia lakukan?
Bee wanted to help, and thinking he had the answer began:
Bee ingin membantu, dan berpikir bahwa jawabannya telah dimulai:
“You probably ate them thinking they were a carrot.”
“Anda mungkin memakannya karena mengira mereka adalah wortel.”
“No!” interrupted Owl, who was wise.
“Tidak!” potong Owl, yang bijak.
“I have good eye-sight, insight, and foresight. How could an intelligent hare make such a silly mistake?”
“Saya memiliki penglihatan, wawasan, dan pandangan ke depan yang baik. Bagaimana kelinci cerdas bisa membuat kesalahan konyol seperti itu?”
But all this time, Owl had been sitting on the fence, scowling!
Tapi selama ini, Owl sudah duduk di pagar, cemberut!
Kangaroo were hopping mad at this sort of talk.
Kangaroo sangat marah mendengar omongan semacam ini.
She thought herself far superior in intelligence to the others.
Dia menganggap dirinya jauh lebih unggul dalam kecerdasan pada yang lain.
She was their leader, their guru.
Dia adalah pemimpin mereka, guru mereka.
She had the answer: “Hare, you must go in search of the optician.”
Dia mendapat jawabannya: “Hare, Anda harus mencari ahli optik.”
But then she realized that Hare was completely helpless without his spectacles.
Tapi kemudian dia menyadari bahwa Hare benar-benar tak berdaya tanpa kacamatanya.
And so, Kangaroo loudly proclaimed, “I can't send Hare in search of anything!”
Jadi, Kangaroo dengan keras memproklamirkan, “Saya tidak bisa mengirim Hare untuk mencari apapun!”
“You can guru, you can!” shouted Newt.
“Anda bisa guru, Anda bisa!” teriak Newt.
“You can send him with Owl.”
“Anda bisa mengirimnya dengan Owl.”
But Owl had gone to sleep.
Tapi Owl sudah tidur.
Newt knew too much to be stopped by so small a problem
Newt tahu terlalu banyak untuk dihentikan oleh masalah kecil
“You can take him in your pouch.”
“Anda bisa membawanya ke kantong Anda.”
But alas, Hare was much too big to fit into
Tapi sayang, Hare terlalu besar untuk dimasuki
Kangaroo's pouch.
Kantung Kanguru.
All this time, it had been quite plain to hare that the others knew nothing about spectacles.
Selama ini, sudah cukup jelas untuk mengatakan bahwa yang lain tidak tahu apa-apa tentang kacamata.

As for all their tempting ideas, well Hare didn&
Adapun semua ide menggoda mereka, baik Hare tidak &