Tommy Makem - Lagu Derby Ram Lirik Terjemahan

As I was going to Derby, 'twas on a market day
Saat aku pergi ke Derby, ’twas pada hari pasar
I met the finest ram, sirs, that ever was fed upon hay
Saya bertemu dengan ram terbaik, tuan, yang pernah diberi makan jerami
That's a lie, that's a lie
Itu bohong, itu bohong
That's a lie, a lie, a lie!
Itu bohong, bohong, bohong!

This ram and I got drunk, sir, as drunk as drunk could be,
Ram ini dan aku mabuk, Sir, seperti mabuk seperti mabuk bisa,
And when we sobered up, sir, we were far away out on the sea.
Dan saat kita sadar, Tuan, kami jauh dari laut.

This wonderful old ram, sir, was playful as a kid;
Ram tua yang indah ini, tuan, sangat lucu saat kecil;
He swallowed the captain's spyglass along with the bo'sun's fid.
Dia menelan spyglass sang kapten bersama dengan bulu babi bo’sun.

One morning on the poop, sir, before eight bells was rung,
Suatu pagi di kotoran, Pak, sebelum delapan lonceng berbunyi,
He grabbed the captain's sextant and took a shot at the sun.
Dia meraih celana seks kapten dan menembak ke arah matahari.

One night 'twas wet and rough, sir, and the wind was blowing keen
Seprai siang hari basah dan kasar, Sir, dan angin bertiup kencang
He borrowed my suit of oilskins and he took nmy trick at the wheel
Dia meminjam jas jasmaniku dan dia mengambil tipu daya di kemudi

The butcher who killed this ram, sir, was up to his knees in blood
Tukang daging yang membunuh ramuan ini, Pak, bertekuk lutut
And the boy who told the tale, sir, was carried away with the flood
Dan anak laki-laki yang menceritakan kisah tersebut, pak, dibawa pergi dengan banjir

The crew of the Vencedora are handsome, strong and brave,
Awak Vencedora ganteng, kuat dan berani,
The smartest lot of sailors that ever sailed over the wave!
Pelaut paling pintar yang pernah berlayar di atas ombak!