Terjemahan Lirik Lagu The Pogues - Bottle Of Smoke

Thanks and praises
Terima kasih dan puji
Thanks to Jesus
Terima kasih kepada Yesus
I bet on the Bottle of Smoke
Aku bertaruh pada Botol Asap
I went to hell
Aku pergi ke neraka
And to the races
Dan untuk balapan
To bet on the Bottle of Smoke
Untuk bertaruh pada Botol Asap

The day being clear
Hari menjadi jelas
The sky being bright
Langit terang
He came up on the left
Dia muncul di sebelah kiri
Like a streak of light
Seperti seberkas cahaya
Like a drunken fuck
Seperti fuck mabuk
On a Saturday night
Pada Sabtu malam
Up came the Bottle of Smoke
Up datang Botol Asap

Twenty fucking five to one
Dua puluh sialan lima banding satu
Me gambling days are done
Saya perjudian hari selesai
I bet on a horse called the Bottle of Smoke
Aku bertaruh pada seekor kuda bernama Botol Asap
And my horse won
Dan kudaku menang

Stewards inquiries
Pertanyaan petugas
Swift and fiery
Cepat dan berapi-api
I had the Bottle of Smoke
Aku punya Botol Asap
Inquisitions and suppositions
Inkuisisi dan anggapan
I had the Bottle of Smoke
Aku punya Botol Asap

Fuck the stewards
Persetan pramugara
A trip to Lourdes
Sebuah perjalanan ke Lourdes
Might give the old fuckers
Mungkin memberi keparat tua
The power of sight
Kekuatan penglihatan
Screaming springers and stoppers
Screaming springers dan sumbat
And call out coppers
Dan memanggil keluar coppers
But the money still gleams in my hand like a light
Tapi uang itu masih berkilau di tanganku seperti cahaya

Bookies cursing
Bookies mengutuk
Cars reversing
Mobil terbalik
I had the Bottle of Smoke
Aku punya Botol Asap
Glasses steaming
Kacamata mengepul
Vessels bursting
Kapal meledak
I had the Bottle of Smoke
Aku punya Botol Asap
Slip a fifty to the wife
Slip lima puluh untuk istri
And for each brat a crisp new five
Dan untuk setiap anak nakal baru lima yang baru
To give me a break on a Saturday night
Memberiku istirahat pada Sabtu malam
When I had the Bottle of Smoke
Saat aku minum Botol Asap
Priests and maidens
Imam dan gadis
Drunk as pagans
Mabuk seperti orang kafir
They had the Bottle of Smoke
Mereka memiliki Botol Asap
Sins forgiven and celebrations
Dosa dimaafkan dan dirayakan
They had the Bottle of Smoke
Mereka memiliki Botol Asap

Fuck the Yanks
Persetan dengan Yanks
And drink their wives
Dan minumlah istri mereka
The moon is clear
Bulan sudah jelas
The sky is bright
Langit cerah
I'm happy as the horses shite
Aku senang saat kuda-kuda itu bersinar
Up came the Bottle of Smoke
Up datang Botol Asap