Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - Waiting For The End Of The World

The man from the television crawled into the train
Pria dari televisi itu merangkak ke kereta
I wonder who he's gonna stick it in this time
Aku bertanya-tanya siapa dia yang akan menaatinya saat ini
Everyone was looking for a little entertainment
Semua orang mencari sedikit hiburan
So they'll probably pull his hands off when they find out his name
Jadi mereka mungkin akan menarik tangannya saat mengetahui namanya
And then they shut down the power all along the line
Dan kemudian mereka mematikan kekuatan sepanjang garis
And we got stuck in the tunnel where no lights shine
Dan kita terjebak di terowongan dimana tidak ada lampu yang bersinar
They got to touchin', all the girls were scared to call out
Mereka harus menyentuhnya, semua gadis takut untuk memanggilnya
Nobody was saying anything at all
Tidak ada yang mengatakan apa-apa

We were waiting for the end of the world
Kami sedang menunggu akhir dunia
Waiting for the end of the world
Menunggu akhir dunia
waiting for the end of the world
menunggu akhir dunia
Dear Lord, I sincerely hope you're coming
Ya Tuhan, saya sangat berharap Anda datang
'Cause you really started something
Karena Anda benar-benar memulai sesuatu

Things got back to normal as the train began to roll again
Hal-hal kembali normal saat kereta mulai berputar lagi
We got to the station about 20 minutes later
Kami sampai di stasiun sekitar 20 menit kemudian
The legendary hitch-hiker says that he knows where it's at
Si pejalan kaki legendaris mengatakan bahwa dia tahu di mana letaknya
Now he'd like to go to Spain or somewhere like that
Sekarang dia ingin pergi ke Spanyol atau tempat seperti itu
With his two-tone Bible and his funny cigarettes
Dengan dua nada Alkitab dan rokoknya yang lucu
His suntan lotion and his castanets
Lotion warna coklat karena berjemurnya dan porselennya

He was waiting for the end of the world
Dia sedang menunggu akhir dunia
Waiting for the end of the world
Menunggu akhir dunia
Waiting for the end of the world
Menunggu akhir dunia
Dear Lord, I sincerely hope you're coming
Ya Tuhan, saya sangat berharap Anda datang
'Cause you really started something
Karena Anda benar-benar memulai sesuatu

And then the bride, the groom, the congregation and the priest
Dan kemudian mempelai wanita, mempelai pria, jemaah dan imam
All got onto the train when we were three stations east, yeah
Semua naik ke kereta saat kami berada di tiga stasiun timur, ya
Hiding from a scandal in the national press
Bersembunyi dari skandal pers nasional
They had been trying to get married since they stole the wedding dress
Mereka telah mencoba untuk menikah sejak mereka mencuri gaun pengantin itu
You may see them drowning as you stroll along the beach
Anda mungkin melihat mereka tenggelam saat Anda berjalan-jalan di sepanjang pantai
But don't throw out the lifeline till they're clean out of reach
Tapi jangan membuang tali pengikat sampai bersih dari jangkauan

Waiting for the end of the world
Menunggu akhir dunia
Waiting for the end of the world
Menunggu akhir dunia