The Verve Pipe - Veneer Lirik Terjemahan

Thirteen miles on 31 are drying
Tiga belas mil di 31 mengering
All along adopt-a-highway lay the empty cans of
Sepanjang jalan raya mengadopsi jalan raya kosong
Thirteen miles on 31 are drying
Tiga belas mil di 31 mengering
The sky is lavender with ivory clouds that threaten
Langit lavender dengan awan gading yang mengancam
Drops the finger-paints
Jatuhkan cat jari
Puddle jumping children clad
Puddle jumping children clad
In yellow raincoats splash the deeper
Dalam jas hujan kuning percikan lebih dalam
Purple of veneer
Ungu veneer

Rows and rows of animals, their shiver skin
Deretan dan deretan hewan, kulitnya menggigil
Is painted different shades
Apakah dilukis nuansa yang berbeda
And from grazing painted grass their teeth
Dan dari merumput dicat rumput gigi mereka
Are stained the incandescent green
Apakah diwarnai hijau pijar
Indifferent they watch the rainfall steady
Sambil acuh tak acuh mereka menyaksikan curah hujan mantap
Blend their spots and run their stripes
Blend spot mereka dan jalankan garis-garis mereka
Of Veneer
Dari Veneer

At 85 on 31 I'm flying
Pada umur 85 tahun 31 saya terbang