Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - The Pontiac

Well let’s see, we had the eh, we had the Fairlane.
Baiklah, mari kita lihat, kita baru tahu, kita memiliki Fairlane.
Then the u-joints went out on that and the bushings and then your mother wanted to trade it in on the Tornado, so we got the Tornado.
Kemudian sendi u keluar begitu dan bushingnya dan kemudian ibumu ingin menukarnya di Tornado, jadi kami mendapatkan Tornado.
God, I hated the color of that son of a bitch.
Ya Tuhan, aku benci warna bajingan itu.
And the dog destroyed the upholstery on the Ford.
Dan anjing itu menghancurkan pelapis Ford.
Boy, that was long before you were born.
Wah, sudah lama sebelum kamu lahir.
We called it the Yellowbird, two-door, three on the tree.
Kami menyebutnya Yellowbird, dua pintu, tiga di pohon.
Tight little mother.
Ibu kecil yang ketat.
Threw a rod, sold it to Jacobs for a hundred dollar.
Melempar sebuah tongkat, menjualnya ke Jacobs seharga seratus dolar.

Now the Special eh, four-holer, you’ve never seen body panels lining up like that.
Sekarang Special eh, empat-holer, Anda belum pernah melihat panel bodi berbaris seperti itu.
Overhead cam, dual exhaust.
Overhead cam, knalpot ganda.
You know I had, let’s see I had, four Buicks, loved them all.
Anda tahu sudah, mari kita lihat, empat Buick, mencintai mereka semua.

Now your Uncle Emmet, well he drives a Thunderbird, it used to belong to your Aunt Evelyn.
Sekarang paman Emmet Anda, yah dia mengendarai Thunderbird, dulu milik Bibi Evelyn Anda.
Now, she ruined it, drove it to Indiana with no gear oil.
Sekarang, dia menghancurkannya, membawanya ke Indiana tanpa minyak gigi.
That was the end of that!
Itulah akhir dari itu!
Sold that Cadillac to your mom.
Menjual Cadillac itu untuk ibumu.
Your mom loved that Caddy.
Ibumu menyukai Caddie itu.
Independent rear suspension,
Suspensi belakang independen,
Landau top, good tires.
Landau top, ban bagus.
Gas hog.
Babi gas
I swear it had the power to repair itself.
Aku bersumpah memiliki kekuatan untuk memperbaiki dirinya sendiri.

I love the old, Dan Steele used to give ’em to me at a discount.
Saya suka yang lama, Dan Steele biasa memberi mereka diskon.
Showroom models and that.
Model showroom dan itu.
And then there was the Pontiac and…
Dan kemudian ada Pontiac dan …
God, I loved that Pontiac.
Ya Tuhan, aku mencintai Pontiac itu.
Well, it was kind of an ox-blood.
Nah, itu semacam darah sapi.
It just kinda handled so beautifully.
Itu hanya ditangani begitu indah.
Yeah, I miss that car. Well, it was a long time ago, a long time ago.
Ya, aku rindu mobil itu. Nah, sudah lama sekali, sudah lama sekali.