Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - The Cowboy And The Lady

In the airport lounge she sat, in a fancy feathered hat
Di ruang tunggu bandara dia duduk, dengan topi berbulu mewah
The grandest lady I had ever seen
Wanita termegah yang pernah kulihat
Outside the heavy rain, had grounded all the planes
Di luar hujan deras, membumi semua pesawat
So I asked her if she’d like some company
Jadi saya bertanya apakah dia mau beberapa perusahaan

In my rhinestone studded suit, my cowboy hat and boots
Dengan setelan bertali berlian imitasi, topi koboi dan sepatu botku
I must have been a sight for her to see
Aku pasti melihat dia melihatnya
But she said, “Pull up a chair”, and she fumbled with her hair
Tapi dia berkata, “Tarik sebuah kursi”, dan dia mencari-cari rambutnya
A more unlikely pair you’ll never see
Pasangan yang lebih tidak mungkin tidak akan pernah Anda lihat

I was Mogen Davis wine, she was Chablis ’59
Saya adalah anggur Mogen Davis, dia adalah Chablis ’59
but there we sat, the cowboy and the lady.
Tapi di sanalah kami duduk, koboi dan wanita itu.
She was evenings at the opera, and summers in Paree
Dia malam di opera, dan musim panas di Paree
I was Grand Ole Op’ry, Nashville, Tennesee
Saya adalah Grand Ole Op’ry, Nashville, Tennesee

The cowboy and the lady, as diff’rent as could be
Koboi dan wanita itu, sama sulitnya
But it seemed so right that rainy night in Tennesee
Tapi sepertinya malam hujan di Tennesee benar

And somewhere in between her Harvey’s Bristol Cream
Dan di suatu tempat di antara Harvey’s Bristol Cream-nya
and the beer I drank and the easy company
dan bir yang saya minum dan perusahaan yang mudah
We somehow came together, for a night of stormy weather
Kami entah bagaimana datang bersama, untuk malam badai
Now there’s a little bit of class in this old cowboy.
Sekarang ada sedikit kelas di koboi tua ini.
There’s a little bit of cowboy in the lady.
Ada sedikit koboi di wanita itu.

The cowboy and the lady, as diff’rent as could be
Koboi dan wanita itu, sama sulitnya
But it seemed so right that rainy night in Tennesee
Tapi sepertinya malam hujan di Tennesee benar


We somehow came together, for a night of stormy weather
Kami entah bagaimana datang bersama, untuk malam badai
Now there’s a little bit of class in this old cowboy.
Sekarang ada sedikit kelas di koboi tua ini.
There’s a little bit of cowboy in the lady.
Ada sedikit koboi di wanita itu.