Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

(Monsterpiece Theatre overture plays as we pan in on Cookie Monster seated in his chair wearing his lovely red smoking jacket.)
(Teater Monsterpiece menampilkan permainan saat kita masuk ke dalam Cookie Monster yang duduk di kursinya dengan mengenakan jaket merah merahnya yang indah.)
Cookie Monster: Good evening, and welcome to Monsterpiece Theatre. Me Alistair Cookie. Tonight me proud to present, “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”. Story of number one and his historic flight over cuckoo’s nest. Here now, “One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest”.
Monster Cookie: Selamat malam, dan selamat datang di Monsterpiece Theater. Aku Alistair Cookie. Malam ini saya bangga hadir, “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”. Kisah nomor satu dan penerbangan bersejarahnya di atas sarang cuckoo. Di sini sekarang, “One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest”.
(He picks up what looks like a script in a red school binder and reads to himself as the scene changes to three chickens behind some chicken-wire. They stop pecking in the hay and look up as a number three with little silver wings flies in and hovers above their heads.)
(Dia mengambil apa yang tampak seperti naskah di map sekolah merah dan membaca pada dirinya sendiri saat adegan tersebut berubah menjadi tiga ayam di belakang beberapa kawat ayam. Mereka berhenti mematuk di jerami dan melihat ke atas sebagai nomor tiga dengan sayap perak kecil terbang dan melayang di atas kepala mereka.)
Chicken #1: Oooh, look girls, it’s the handsome number three!
Ayam # 1: Oooh, lihat cewek, ini nomor gagah tiga!
Chicken #2: Hey, flying my way?!
Ayam # 2: Hei, terbang dengan cara saya ?!
(The number three flies away off-screen.)
(Nomor tiga terbang menjauh dari layar.)
Chicken #3: Toodle-oo (not sure what she says here)!
Ayam # 3: Toodle-oo (tidak yakin apa yang dia katakan di sini)!
(All three chickens look at the camera and go, “Huh?” as the scene changes back to the studio and Cookie says …)
(Ketiga ayam itu melihat kamera dan pergi, “Hah?” Saat adegan itu berubah kembali ke studio dan Cookie mengatakan …)
Cookie Monster: Hey! Hold it, stop! Sorry, that not “One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest”. No, that, umm …. (he checks his notes) … let’s see … yeah, here. That “Three Flew Over Chicken Coop”, story of handsome number three. (checks his notes again) Let’s see, okay, here, here, here, here now, “One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest”.
Monster Cookie: Hei! Tahan, berhenti! Maaf, itu bukan “One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest”. Tidak, itu, umm …. (dia cek catatannya) … ayo kita lihat … iya, disini Itu “Three Flew Over Chicken Coop”, kisah gagah nomor tiga. (periksa catatannya lagi) Mari kita lihat, oke, disini, disini, disini, disini sekarang, “One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest”.
(Scene changes to two pigs snorting in the mud. One looks up as the sound of something flying towards them is heard off-screen.)
(Adegan berubah menjadi dua ekor babi yang mendengus di lumpur. Seseorang melihat ke atas saat suara sesuatu yang terbang ke arah mereka terdengar di luar layar.)
Pig #1: Sid?
Babi # 1: Sid?
Pig #2: Yeah, Henry?
Babi # 2: Ya, Henry?
Pig #1: Can a number four fly?
Babi # 1: Bisakah seekor lalat nomor empat?
Pig #2: No, Henry.
Babi # 2: Tidak, Henry.
(A number four with silver wings lands with a plop in the mud beside them.)
(Sebuah nomor empat dengan sayap perak mendarat dengan semburan di lumpur di samping mereka.)
Pig #1: I didn’t think so.
Babi # 1: Saya tidak berpikir begitu.
(As Cookie starts to speak, both pigs look at the camera. The scene changes back to the studio.)
(Seperti Cookie mulai berbicara, kedua babi melihat kamera. Adegan berubah kembali ke studio.)
Cookie Monster: Whoa! No good! Me very sorry, that not “One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest”! That … ummm … let me see …. (checks his notes) …. that, yeah, here. That “Four Flew Over Pigsty, Land In Mud”, very messy story. Now, let’s try again or me get new job, oh ho! Here we go, “One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest”. Me hope.
Monster Cookie: Whoa! Tidak baik! Saya sangat menyesal, itu bukan “One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest”! Itu … ummm … biar kulihat …. (cek catatannya) …. itu, ya, di sini. Itu “Empat Flew Over Pigsty, Land In Mud”, cerita yang sangat berantakan. Sekarang, mari kita coba lagi atau saya mendapatkan pekerjaan baru, oh ho! Ini dia, “One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest”. Saya berharap
(Scene is a tree with one cuckoo bird in a nest.)
(Adegan adalah pohon dengan satu burung cuckoo di sarang.)
Cuckoo Bird: Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.
Cuckoo Bird: Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.
(A number one with silver wings flies swiftly overhead. The bird looks at the camera and says …)
(Sebuah nomor satu dengan sayap perak terbang dengan cepat di atas kepala. Burung itu melihat ke kamera dan berkata …)
Cuckoo Bird: CuckOOO!
Burung Cuckoo: CuckOOO!
(Back to the studio.)
(Kembali ke studio.)
Cookie Monster: There you have it, “One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest”. Finally! Very beautiful, very moving, very silly. Join me next week for “Rocky 20”, story of … twenty rocks, very heavy stuff. (He tosses the binder over his shoulder.) This Alistair Cookie, good evening. (Cookie sits back, his chin lifted and his hands across his chest as he strikes a pose.)
Monster Cookie: Itu dia, “One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest”. Akhirnya! Sangat cantik, sangat bergerak, sangat konyol. Bergabunglah dengan saya minggu depan untuk “Rocky 20”, kisah … dua puluh batu, barang yang sangat berat. (Dia melempar pengikat di bahunya.) Alistair Cookie ini, selamat malam. (Cookie duduk kembali, dagunya diangkat dan tangannya di dadanya saat dia berpose.)