Terjemahan Lirik Lagu The Doors - L.a. Woman

Well, I just got into town about an hour ago
Nah, saya baru sampai di kota sekitar satu jam yang lalu
Took a look around, see which way the wind blow
Melihat sekeliling, lihat ke arah mana angin bertiup
Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows
Dimana gadis-gadis kecil di bungalow Hollywood mereka

Are you a lucky little lady in The City of Light
Apakah Anda seorang wanita kecil yang beruntung di The City of Light
Or just another lost angel…City of Night
Atau hanya malaikat lain yang hilang … City of Night
City of Night, City of Night, City of Night, woo, c'mon
City of Night, Kota Malam, Kota Malam, woo, ayolah

L.A. Woman, L.A. Woman
L.A. Woman, L.A. Woman
L.A. Woman Sunday afternoon
L.A. Wanita Minggu sore
L.A. Woman Sunday afternoon
L.A. Wanita Minggu sore
L.A. Woman Sunday afternoon
L.A. Wanita Minggu sore
Drive thru your suburbs
Drive melalui daerah pinggiran Anda
Into your blues, into your blues, yeah
Ke blues Anda, ke dalam blues Anda, ya
Into your blue-blue Blues
Ke Blues biru biru Anda
Into your blues, ohh, yeah
Ke dalam bluesmu, ohh, yeah

I see your hair is burnin'
Aku melihat rambutmu terbakar ‘
Hills are filled with fire
Bukit dipenuhi dengan api
If they say I never loved you
Jika mereka bilang aku tidak pernah mencintaimu
You know they are a liar
Anda tahu mereka pembohong
Drivin' down your freeways
Didorong ke jalan bebas hambatan Anda
Midnite alleys roam
Gang Midnite berkeliaran
Cops in cars, the topless bars
Polisi di mobil, bar topless
Never saw a woman…
Tidak pernah melihat seorang wanita …
So alone, so alone
Jadi sendirian, jadi sendiri
So alone, so alone
Jadi sendirian, jadi sendiri

Motel Money Murder Madness
Uang gila pembunuhan Motel
Let's change the mood from glad to sadness
Mari kita ubah mood dari senang kesedihan

Mister Mojo risin', Mister Mojo risin'
Mister Mojo risin ‘, Mister Mojo risin’
Mister Mojo risin', Mister Mojo risin'
Mister Mojo risin ‘, Mister Mojo risin’
Got to keep on risin'
Harus terus risin ‘
Mister Mojo risin', Mister Mojo risin'
Mister Mojo risin ‘, Mister Mojo risin’
Mojo risin', gotta Mojo risin'
Mojo risin ‘, harus Mojo risin’
Mister Mojo risin', gotta keep on risin'
Mister Mojo risin ‘, harus tetap risin’
risin', risin'
risin ‘, risin’
Gone risin', risin'
Gone risin ‘, risin’
I'm gone risin', risin'
Aku pergi risin ‘, risin’
I gotta risin', risin'
Aku harus risin ‘, risin’
Well, risin', risin'
Nah, risin ‘, risin’
I gotta, wooo, yeah, risin'
Aku harus, wooo, yeah, risin ‘
Woah, ohh yeah
Woah, ohh ya

Well, I just got into town about an hour ago
Nah, saya baru sampai di kota sekitar satu jam yang lalu
Took a look around, see which way the wind blow
Melihat sekeliling, lihat ke arah mana angin bertiup
Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows
Dimana gadis-gadis kecil di bungalow Hollywood mereka

Are you a lucky little lady in The City of Light
Apakah Anda seorang wanita kecil yang beruntung di The City of Light
Or just another lost angel…City of Night
Atau hanya malaikat lain yang hilang … City of Night
City of Night, City of Night, City of Night, woah, c'mon
City of Night, Kota Malam, Kota Malam, woah, ayolah

L.A. Woman, L.A. Woman
L.A. Woman, L.A. Woman
L.A. Woman, your my woman
L.A. Wanita, istrimu
Little L.A. Woman, Little L.A. Woman
Wanita L.A., Wanita L.A Kecil
L.A. L.A. Woman Woman
L.A. L.A. Wanita Wanita
L.A. Woman c'mon
L.A. Woman c’mon