- Arti Lirik In The Library Of Force

We kill in the world
Kami membunuh di dunia ini
We live in it
Kita hidup di dalamnya
We live in it
Kita hidup di dalamnya
Then you smiled crawling as your houses were burning for God
Kemudian Anda tersenyum merangkak saat rumah Anda terbakar untuk Tuhan

Books crawl down from the shelves Read themselves to you Read themselves at you In the Library of Force
Buku merayap turun dari rak Baca diri mereka kepada Anda Baca diri di Perpustakaan Perpustakaan Angkatan Bersenjata

In the Library of Force
Di Library of Force
William the Conqueror flipping from the pages of History
William the Conqueror membolak-balik halaman History
Drink from the pages
Minum dari halaman
Come the precious stones of guilt
Datanglah batu berharga dari rasa bersalah

The tracking of detention
Pelacakan penahanan
Was lurking in the Souls of Man
Mengintai di Jiwa Manusia

From the Last Day of Language
Dari Hari Terakhir Bahasa
The Written Word
Kata tertulis
The Written Word
Kata tertulis
Written Word
Kata tertulis
Commands to the Sky to Starve the Sky
Perintah ke Langit untuk Membanjiri Langit
And the crawling skin of God
Dan kulit Tuhan yang merangkak