- Fisticuffs Lirik Terjemahan

They found James Ambrose dead in his cell,
Mereka menemukan James Ambrose meninggal di selnya,
a gaping gash in his arm had drained him down to hell.
sebuah luka menganga di lengannya telah membuat dia terjatuh ke neraka.
No one knew for sure if Ambrose was his name.
Tidak ada yang tahu pasti apakah Ambrose adalah namanya.
They called him Yankee Sullivan in early days of fame.
Mereka memanggilnya Yankee Sullivan pada hari-hari awal ketenaran.
He’d known the game of fisticuffs had always treated him right .
Dia tahu permainan fistik telah memperlakukannya dengan benar.
But no one knew the men who came and took his life that night
Tapi tidak ada yang tahu orang-orang yang datang dan mengambil nyawanya malam itu

He’d spent some time in Botany Bay atoning for his sins.
Dia telah menghabiskan beberapa waktu di Botany Bay untuk menebus dosanya.
He fought a bout with Hammer Lane and took a tainted win.
Dia bertengkar dengan Hammer Lane dan mendapat kemenangan tercemar.
He was the hero of the Bowery, a prince of lawless times.
Dia adalah pahlawan Bowery, seorang pangeran zaman durhaka.
Then was battered by the “Butcherman” in 1849.
Kemudian dipukul oleh “Butcherman” pada tahun 1849.
He knew the game of fisticuffs, he knew the game of might.
Dia tahu permainan fistik, dia tahu permainannya.
But no one knew the men who came and took his life one night.
Tapi tidak ada yang tahu orang-orang yang datang dan mengambil nyawanya pada suatu malam.
He knew the game of fisticuffs.
Dia tahu permainan fistik.

Lilly and McCoy were shy of a hundred and forty pounds.
Lilly dan McCoy malu dengan berat seratus empat puluh pound.
In 1842 they went a hundred and eighteen rounds.
Pada tahun 1842 mereka pergi seratus delapan belas ronde.
They begged McCoy to cash it in, he said that he would not.
Mereka meminta McCoy untuk mencairkannya, dia mengatakan bahwa dia tidak mau.
Got up and fought one more round then died right on the spot.
Bangun dan bertempur satu putaran lagi lalu mati tepat di tempat.
He knew the game of fisticuffs, he knew the game of fight.
Dia tahu permainan fistik, dia tahu permainan melawan.
But no one knew the game would come and take his life that night.
Tapi tidak ada yang tahu permainan akan datang dan mengambil nyawanya malam itu.