- Lagu Enjoy Your Day Lirik Terjemahan

So where’d you go?
Jadi kemana kamu pergi?
How was your vacation home?
Bagaimana liburanmu di rumah?
Well obviously you were busy, too busy for me
Nah jelas Anda sibuk, terlalu sibuk untuk saya
So this is how you leave me?
Jadi begini bagaimana kamu meninggalkanku?
I’m broken hearted on the floor,
Aku patah hati di lantai,
My tears seep through the crack under my door
Air mataku merembes melalui celah di bawah pintuku
Where I am locked in, shut down,
Dimana saya terkunci, dimatikan,
I’m so tired of picking myself up off the ground
Aku sangat lelah memungut diri dari tanah

So Happy Valentine’s Day
Jadi selamat hari valentine
I hope the sun’s out in New York
Saya harap matahari terbit di New York
I hope he bought you roses
Kuharap dia membelikanmu mawar
I hope he bought you roses
Kuharap dia membelikanmu mawar
So Happy Valentine’s Day
Jadi selamat hari valentine
I hope the sun’s out in New York
Saya harap matahari terbit di New York
I hope he bought you roses
Kuharap dia membelikanmu mawar
I hope he bought you roses
Kuharap dia membelikanmu mawar