Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Coo Coo U

Coo Coo U I think you’re coo coo, coo coo u
Coo Coo U Saya pikir Anda coo coo, coo coo u
How did you get so coo coo — how did you?
Bagaimana Anda bisa jadi coo coo – bagaimana kabarmu?

They say it’s a fact that your head is cracked
Mereka bilang itu adalah fakta bahwa kepalamu sudah retak
(I think that you are loco)
(Saya pikir Anda loco)
You have blown your stack you’re a maniac
Anda telah meniup tumpukan Anda Anda maniak
(I think that you are loco)
(Saya pikir Anda loco)
I just heard the news that you blew a fuse
Saya baru saja mendengar kabar bahwa Anda meniup sekring
(I think that you are loco)
(Saya pikir Anda loco)
You’re a paranoid and your head’s a void
Anda paranoid dan kepala Anda kosong
(I think that you are loco)
(Saya pikir Anda loco)

(Look In The Mirror)
You are in a fog since you slipped a cog
Anda berada dalam kabut sejak Anda menyelipkan sebuah roda gigi
(I think that you are loco)
(Saya pikir Anda loco)
They will set you free with lobotomy
Mereka akan membebaskan Anda dengan lobotomi
(I think that you are loco)
(Saya pikir Anda loco)
Your cerebral vault has a single fault
Kubah serebral Anda memiliki satu kesalahan
(I think that you are loco)
(Saya pikir Anda loco)
It is quite well known you’ve become a clone
Sudah cukup diketahui bahwa Anda telah menjadi tiruan
(I think that you are loco)
(Saya pikir Anda loco)

Coo Coo U I think you’re coo coo, coo coo u
Coo Coo U Saya pikir Anda coo coo, coo coo u
How did you get so coo coo – how did you?
Bagaimana Anda bisa jadi coo coo – bagaimana kabarmu?

(What’s on the news?)
(Apa kabar?)
Seen any good games shows lately?
Terlihat ada pertunjukkan bagus akhir-akhir ini?
I like the news.
Saya suka berita
I like game shows!
Saya suka menunjukkan permainan!

Psychoneurasthenic too much T.V.
Psychoneurasthenic terlalu banyak T.V.