Yeah, we're boarded up
Ya, kita naik
Nailed up shut
Dipaku tutup
Yeah, we're boarded up
Ya, kita naik
Music venue has had its day
Tempat musik telah memiliki hari
Death watch beetle band moved in to play
Band kera kemacetan lalu lintas pindah untuk bermain
Groups don't come down from London way
Kelompok tidak turun dari jalur London
Cos we're boarded up
Cos kita naik
Yeah, we're nailed up shut
Ya, kita dipaku tutup
Two-by-four-ded up
Dua per empat ded up
Yeah, we're boarded up
Ya, kita naik
Touring companies stay away
Perusahaan tur menjauh
Rats and mice take the centre stage
Tikus dan tikus mengambil bagian tengahnya
Carpenter's mate have a field day
Teman Carpenter memiliki hari lapangan
Boarded up
Yeah, we're nailed up shut
Ya, kita dipaku tutup
Two-by-four-ded up
Dua per empat ded up
Yeah, we're boarded up
Ya, kita naik
Pubs and clubs had the chop
Pub dan klub telah memotong
Making way for a superstore plot
Membuat jalan untuk plot superstore
Some town planner didn't know when to stop
Beberapa perencana kota tidak tahu kapan harus berhenti
Boarded up
Come and see us
Datang dan lihat kami
Boarded up
Don't wait too long, now cos we're
Jangan menunggu terlalu lama, sekarang kita
Boarding up
Yeah, boarded up…
Ya, naik …