Terjemahan Lirik - Blind Lemon Jefferson

Blind Lemon Jefferson is a-coming
Buta Lemon Jefferson sedang datang
Tap tap tappin with his cane
Ketuk ketuk tappin dengan tongkatnya
Blind Lemon Jefferson is a-coming
Buta Lemon Jefferson sedang datang
Tap tap tappin with his cane
Ketuk ketuk tappin dengan tongkatnya
His last ditch lies down the road of trials
Selokan terakhirnya terletak di jalan cobaan
Down the road of trials
Di jalan cobaan
Half filled with rain
Setengah penuh dengan hujan

O Sycamore, Sycamore!
O Sycamore, Sycamore!
Stretch your arms across the storm
Peregangan lengan Anda di atas badai
Down fly two greasy brother-crows
Turunkan dua saudara gagak berminyak
They hop'n'bop They hop'n'bop They hop'n'bop
Mereka hop’n’bop Mereka hop’n’bop Mereka hop’n’bop
Like the tax-man come to call
Seperti orang pajak datang untuk menelepon
They go knock knock! Knock knock!
Mereka mengetuk ketukan! Knock knock!
Hop'n'bop hop'n'bop
Hop’n’bop hop’n’bop
They slap a death-writ on his door
Mereka menampar surat perintah kematian di pintunya

Here come the Judgement train
Inilah kereta penghakiman
Git on board!
Git on board!
And turn that big black engine home
Dan putar rumah mesin hitam besar itu
O let's roll!
O mari kita berguling!
Let's roll!
Ayo berguling!
Down the tunnel
Turunkan terowongan
The terrible tunnel of his world
Terowongan mengerikan dunianya
Waiting at his final station
Menunggu di stasiun terakhirnya
Like a bigger blacker third bird
Seperti burung ketiga yang lebih hitam lebih besar
O let's roll!
O mari kita berguling!
Let's roll!
Ayo berguling!

O his road is dark and lonely
O jalannya gelap dan sepi
He don't drive no Cadillac
Dia tidak mengendarai Cadillac
O his road is dark and holy
O jalannya gelap dan suci
He don't drive no Cadillac
Dia tidak mengendarai Cadillac
If that sky serves as his eyes
Jika langit itu berfungsi sebagai matanya
Then that moons a cataract
Kemudian bulan itu menjadi katarak

Let's roll!
Ayo berguling!
Yeah let's roll!
Ya mari kita roll!