Terjemahan Lirik Rod Stewart - Big Bayou

(Gib Gilbeau)
(Gib Gilbeau)

I took a long, long trip to the city
Saya menempuh perjalanan jauh ke kota
I was determined to get somewhere
Aku bertekad untuk pergi ke suatu tempat
I spent all my hard earned money
Saya menghabiskan semua uang hasil jerih payah saya
I had saved to put me there
Saya telah menyelamatkan untuk menempatkan saya di sana

Big bayou where did you go
Big bayou kemana kamu pergi
To the river that's running slow
Ke sungai yang sedang berjalan lamban
and to the Gulf of Mexico
dan ke Teluk Meksiko
Big bayou carry me home
Big bayou membawaku pulang

I took a cotton picking job in Memphis
Aku mengambil pekerjaan memetik kapas di Memphis
And the people there treated me good
Dan orang-orang di sana memperlakukan saya dengan baik
But my luck run bad in Nashville
Tapi keberuntungan saya berjalan buruk di Nashville
I had to walked the streets of Hollywood
Aku harus berjalan di jalanan Hollywood

Big bayou where did you go
Big bayou kemana kamu pergi
To the river that's running slow
Ke sungai yang sedang berjalan lamban
into the Gulf of Mexico
ke Teluk Meksiko
Big bayou carry me home
Big bayou membawaku pulang

Oh Lord I'm going home
Oh Tuhan aku akan pulang
Where the fish jump in the air
Dimana ikan melayang di udara
You know I don't need a lot of money
Anda tahu saya tidak butuh banyak uang
Cause I ain't going nowhere
Karena aku tidak pergi ke mana-mana

Big bayou where did you go
Big bayou kemana kamu pergi
To the river that's running slow
Ke sungai yang sedang berjalan lamban
into the Gulf of Mexico
ke Teluk Meksiko
Big bayou carry me home
Big bayou membawaku pulang

Big bayou carry me home
Big bayou membawaku pulang
To the river that's running slow
Ke sungai yang sedang berjalan lamban
into the Gulf of Mexico
ke Teluk Meksiko
Big bayou where did you go
Big bayou kemana kamu pergi

I'm gonna catch a southbound
Aku akan menangkap selatan
train home one of these days
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