Arti dan Lirik - V - Vine

A girl named Violet
Seorang gadis bernama Violet
Put a V in the ground
Letakkan V di tanah
And up grew a vine
Dan tumbuhlah pohon anggur
With V-words all around
Dengan kata-kata V di sekelilingnya

She stepped on “vest”
Dia menginjak “rompi”
And “vote” and “vampire”
Dan “vote” dan “vampire”
Then “very” and “voice”
Lalu “sangat” dan “suara”
Going higher and higher
Pergi lebih tinggi dan lebih tinggi

At the top of the vine
Di bagian atas pohon anggur
Was a railroad station
Adalah stasiun kereta api
So she got on the train
Jadi dia naik kereta
And took a vacation
Dan berlibur