Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu This House Is Not For Sale

Tell them that the house is not for sale
Katakan kepada mereka bahwa rumah itu tidak dijual
We're still living here
Kami masih tinggal di sini
How come nobody can tell?
Kenapa tidak ada yang tahu?
They're taking all the furniture
Mereka mengambil semua perabotan
Moving our things
Memindahkan barang-barang kita
Come on little honey, put your head on my knee…
Ayo sedikit madu, taruh kepalamu di lututku …
Tell them that the house is not for sale
Katakan kepada mereka bahwa rumah itu tidak dijual

And calm down.
Dan tenanglah.
Calm down.

Do you remember when we even bought this thing?
Apakah Anda ingat saat membeli barang ini?
I danced you across the wooden floor
Aku menari-nari di lantai kayu
and you signed the lease
dan Anda menandatangani kontrak sewa
What happened in the car that night?
Apa yang terjadi di mobil malam itu?
What happened in the car that night?
Apa yang terjadi di mobil malam itu?
Tell them that the house is not for sale
Katakan kepada mereka bahwa rumah itu tidak dijual
Calm down.

Tell them that the house is not for sale
Katakan kepada mereka bahwa rumah itu tidak dijual
We can grab a couple sheets and give them quite a scare
Kita bisa meraih beberapa lembar dan memberi mereka ketakutan
I remember lying on the bedroom floor
Aku ingat berbaring di lantai kamar tidur
You were holding me honey, shaking my soul
Anda memeluk saya sayang, mengguncang jiwaku
Tell them that the house is not for sale
Katakan kepada mereka bahwa rumah itu tidak dijual
And Calm down
Dan tenanglah

Calm down