Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - The Orphan

The calloo's spirits are low
Roh penelepon rendah
Swimming on the chill water
Berenang di atas air dingin
But the orphan's are lower
Tapi anak yatim lebih rendah
Walking down the village street.
Berjalan menyusuri jalan desa.

The sparrow's belly is chill
Perut sparrow terasa dingin
Sitting on the icy bough
Duduk di dahan yang dingin
But my belly is more chill
Tapi perutku lebih dingin
As I step from glade to glade.
Saat aku melangkah dari rawa ke rawa.

The dove's heart is cold
Hati burung merpati itu dingin
As it pecks the village rick
Karena mematahkan tusukan desa
But I'm colder still
Tapi aku lebih dingin lagi
As I drink the icy water
Sambil minum air es