Arti Lirik John Mellencamp - Rural Route

Little girl disappeared and gone
Gadis kecil menghilang dan pergi
From the rural route
Dari rute pedesaan
Seven days missing something’s wrong
Tujuh hari hilang ada yang salah
On the rural route
Di rute pedesaan
Amber alert all over the nation
Amber waspada di seluruh penjuru negeri
From the rural route
Dari rute pedesaan
Two lane highway full of cops
Dua jalur jalan raya penuh dengan polisi
On the rural route
Di rute pedesaan
Rural route
Rute pedesaan

Police dogs howl from wire cages
Anjing polisi melolong dari kandang kawat
On the rural route
Di rute pedesaan
Last seen leavin’ a trailer
Terakhir dilihat leavin ‘a trailer
On the rural route
Di rute pedesaan
Just walkin’ home alone
Hanya rumah walkin saja
On the rural route
Di rute pedesaan
Newspaper prints her fifth grade picture
Surat kabar mencetak foto kelas lima
From the rural route
Dari rute pedesaan
Rural route
Rute pedesaan

Air stinks of crystal meth
Air berbau kristal meth
On the rural route
Di rute pedesaan
Some one predicts a young girl’s death
Ada yang memprediksi kematian seorang gadis muda
On the rural route
Di rute pedesaan
Father refuses to answer any questions
Ayah menolak menjawab pertanyaan apapun
From the rural route
Dari rute pedesaan
The man he runs around with comes up missing
Pria yang dia jalani dengan datang hilang
Off the rural route
Dari rute pedesaan
Rural route
Rute pedesaan

Twenty miles away by a lake
Dua puluh mil jauhnya dari sebuah danau
On the rural route
Di rute pedesaan
Girl’s body’s found, it’s been raped
Tubuh cewek ditemukan, sudah diperkosa
By the rural route
Dengan rute pedesaan
Twenty-eight year old friend of the father
Teman ayah berusia dua puluh delapan tahun
Arrested on the rural route
Ditangkap di jalur pedesaan
Father traded his daughter for favors
Ayah menawari putrinya untuk bantuan
On the rural route
Di rute pedesaan
Rural route
Rute pedesaan
Rural route
Rute pedesaan

Here’s my prayer loud and clear
Inilah doaku yang nyaring dan jernih
From the rural route
Dari rute pedesaan
Forgive us Lord, get us out of here
Maafkan kami Tuhan, keluarkan kami dari sini
Off this rural route
Dari rute pedesaan ini
Oh merciful Father, show us the will
Ya ampun, mintalah kami kemauan
Here on the rural route
Di sini, di rute pedesaan
Give us the mercy for the drug-addicted
Beri kami rahmat untuk kecanduan narkoba
And the mentally ill
Dan sakit mental
On the rural route
Di rute pedesaan