Roger Waters - Running Shoes Lirik Terjemahan

So I stood by the roadside
Jadi saya berdiri di pinggir jalan
The soles of my running shoes gripping
Telapak tanganku yang mencengkeram mencengkeram
The tarmac like gunmetal magnets
Lengan aspal seperti magnet gunmetal
Fixed on the front of her Fassbinder face
Tetap di depan wajah Fassbinder-nya
Was the kind of a smile
Senyum seperti itu
That only a rather dull child could have drawn
Itu hanya anak yang agak membosankan bisa menggambar
While attempting a graveyard in the moonlight
Saat mencoba kuburan di bawah sinar rembulan
But she was impressed
Tapi dia terkesan
You could see that she thought I looked fine
Anda bisa melihat bahwa dia pikir saya terlihat baik-baik saja
And when she turned sweeter
Dan saat dia berpaling lebih manis
The reason, between you and me, was
Alasannya, antara Anda dan saya, adalah
She’d just seen my green Lamborghini “I think it was the Lamborghini.”
Dia baru saja melihat Lamborghini hijau saya “Saya pikir itu adalah Lamborghini.”
So we went for a spin in the country
Jadi kami pergi berputar di negara ini
To feel the wind in our hair
Merasakan angin di rambut kita
To feel the power of my engine
Untuk merasakan kekuatan mesin saya
To feel the thrill of desire
Merasakan sensasi keinginan

And then in the trees I heard a twig snap
Lalu di pepohonan aku mendengar suara ranting
Warning lights flashed on my map
Lampu peringatan menyala di peta saya
I opened my eyes and to my surprise
Aku membuka mataku dan mengejutkanku
There were Arabs with knives at the front of the bed
Ada orang Arab dengan pisau di bagian depan tempat tidur
Right at the front of the bed
Tepat di depan tempat tidur
Oh my God, how did they get in here
Ya Tuhan, bagaimana mereka bisa masuk ke sini?
I thought we were safe home in England
Saya pikir kami selamat tinggal di Inggris
She said, come on now kid, it was wrong what you did
Katanya, ayo sekarang anak itu, ternyata salah apa yang kamu lakukan
You’ve got to admit it was wrong what you did
Anda harus mengakui bahwa itu salah apa yang Anda lakukan
You’ve got to admit it was wrong “Oh god….Jesus…”
Anda harus mengakui itu salah “Ya Tuhan …. Yesus …”