Terjemahan Lirik Neil Young - Red Sun

When the red sun sets
Saat matahari merah terbenam
On the railroad town
Di kota kereta api
And the bars begin to laugh
Dan bar mulai tertawa
With the happy sound
Dengan suara bahagia

I'll still be here
Aku masih di sini
Right by your side
Tepat di sisimu
They'll not be anyone
Mereka tidak akan menjadi siapapun
In my heart but you
Di hatiku tapi kamu

And the dreams that you're havin'
Dan mimpi bahwa Anda havin ‘
They won't let you down
Mereka tidak akan mengecewakan Anda
If you just follow on
Jika Anda hanya mengikuti
Cause you know where you're bound
Karena Anda tahu di mana Anda terikat

The well will be flowing
Sumur akan mengalir
And the words will come fast
Dan kata-kata akan cepat datang
When the one who's coming
Bila yang datang
Arrives here at last
Tiba di sini akhirnya

On the grassy hills
Di bukit berumput
Of the railroad town
Dari kota kereta api
Where we cut through the fences
Dimana kita memotong pagar
And over the crowd
Dan di atas kerumunan

Where wind was blowin'
Dimana angin bertiup ‘
Right through your hair
Kanan melalui rambut Anda
I dreamt that my momma
Saya mengimpikan momma saya
And daddy were there
Dan ayah ada di sana

And the dreams that you're havin'
Dan mimpi bahwa Anda havin ‘
They won't let you down
Mereka tidak akan mengecewakan Anda
If you just follow on
Jika Anda hanya mengikuti
Cause you know where you're bound
Karena Anda tahu di mana Anda terikat

The well will be flowing
Sumur akan mengalir
And the words will come fast
Dan kata-kata akan cepat datang
When the one who's coming
Bila yang datang
Arrives here at last
Tiba di sini akhirnya

When the red sun sets
Saat matahari merah terbenam
On the railroad town
Di kota kereta api
And the bars begin to laugh
Dan bar mulai tertawa
With the happy sound
Dengan suara bahagia

I'll still be here
Aku masih di sini
Right by your side
Tepat di sisimu
They'll not be another
Mereka tidak akan lain
In my heart but you
Di hatiku tapi kamu