- Poopship Destroyer (ii) Lirik Terjemahan

Orang-orang, siapkah Anda untuk berlayar di poopship sekarang, bajingan?
People, ya'll ready to cruise on the poopship now, motherfucker?
Apakah Anda akan membuang kotoran doggy besar, bajingan?
Are ya'll poopin' on the big doggy poopship, motherfucker?
Anda tahu apa yang akan terjadi di poopship, tapi
You know what it's about to be on the poopship, but
Orang-orang di sini di Missouri cruisin ‘di log sampah besar
People down here in Missouri cruisin' on the big poop log
Cruisin ‘di kapal kotoran, Sektor 6, Warp 9 (haha)
Cruisin' on the poop ship, Sector 6, Warp 9 (haha)
Cruisin ‘di kapal kotoran besar, folks!
Cruisin' on the big poop ship, folks!
Dapatkan dengan itu, keparat!
Get with it, fucker!

Izinkan saya mengunci sistem di Warp 2
Let me lock in the system at Warp 2
Aku sudah chewin ‘ini di sini, brownie, sayang
I's been chewin' on this here, brownie, baby
Dan saya pikir – saya pikir saya hampir selesai
And I thinks- I thinks I'm almost through

Ayo berlayar melewati semua kotoran emas
Let's cruise past all the golden poo
Itu membuat saya biru
That makes me blue
Aku bicara tentang kedelai, manusia
I'm talkin' 'bout soybeans, people
Hal ini akan terjadi? ? ? ?*, Woo hoo
This thing gonna ? ? ? ?*, woohoo

Poopship, di kapal perusak poopship
Poopship, on the poopship destroyer
Anda akan tahu apa yang saya katakan, hal itu bisa melacak bajingan apa pun
You'll know what I'm sayin', that thing can track any motherfucker
Poopship, di kapal perusak poopship
Poopship, on the poopship destroyer
Itulah yang saya bicarakan
That's what I'm talkin' about

Biarkan saya menghentikan semua frekuensi di saluran 2
Let me jam up all of the frequencies on channel 2
Dorong ke dalam overdrive yang sistematis
Push it on into systematic overdrive
Anda tahu, sayang, Anda tahu apa yang harus dilakukan, sayang
You know, baby, you know what to do, baby
Ayo, ayo, aku akan bilang
Come on, come on, I'll tell

Ayo pelayaran, rebusan coklat itu kamu kenal siapa
Let's cruise, the chocolate stew was you know who
Bau busuk semua pertempuran funkied-up
The stinks all the funkied-up battles
….Woo hoo
That's right

Poopship, di kapal perusak poopship
Poopship, on the poopship destroyer
Poopship, di kapal perusak poopship
Poopship, on the poopship destroyer
Oh, sayang … woohoo
Oh, baby…woohoo
Poopoo, kotoran
The poopoo, poop
Beri aku yang lain, sayang
Give me another one, baby
Berikan aku yang lain
Give me another one
Terima kasih, nona saya
Thank you, my lady!

Kami juga mencintaimu!
We love you too!
Ingatlah untuk menjaga kepala Anda ke langit, sayang
Remember to keep your head to the sky, baby
Anda tahu, kita akan melalui rangkaian gelombang di sini
You know, we're gonna through a wave sequence here
Aku bilang, Jim, kau akan mengendarai kapal itu
I'm tellin' ya, Jim, you're gonna be riding upon the poopship
Kami mengendarai poopship ke dimensi berikutnya
We're riding the poopship into the next dimension
Lose poopship di ….
Lose the poopship in my….
Apakah Anda merasakannya, Missouri?
Are you feeling it, Missouri?
Apakah Anda berlayar di Poopship Destroyer?
Are you cruising upon the Poopship Destroyer?
Apakah Anda memasang omong kosong, Kirk Miller?
Are you mounting the poopship, Kirk Miller?
Saya berkata, Kirk Miller, kataku, Kirk Miller,
I said, Kirk Miller, I said, Kirk Miller,
Apakah Anda berlayar di Poopship?
Are you cruising on the Poopship?
Big Jim! Big Jim!
Big Jim! Big Jim!
Saya bilang.
I said.