Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Bing Crosby - Moon Got In My Eyes

Out of the darkness you suddenly appeared
Dari kegelapan Anda tiba-tiba muncul
You smiled and I was taken by surprise
Anda tersenyum dan saya terkejut
I guess I should have seen right through you
Kurasa seharusnya aku melihat lewatmu
But the moon got in my eyes
Tapi bulan masuk ke mataku

I was so thrilled by the love you volunteered,
Saya sangat senang dengan cinta yang Anda ajarkan secara sukarela,
I gave my heart without a compromise
Aku memberikan hatiku tanpa kompromi
I guess you don't remember, do you?
Saya rasa Anda tidak ingat, bukan?
When the moon got in my eyes
Saat bulan masuk ke mataku

I thought a kingdom was in sight
Kupikir sebuah kerajaan sudah terlihat
That I would have the right to claim
Bahwa saya berhak mengklaimnya
But with the morning's early light
Tapi dengan cahaya pagi pagi
I didn't have a dream to my name
Saya tidak punya mimpi untuk nama saya

You know the saying that all who love are blind;
Anda tahu pepatah bahwa semua orang yang mencintai itu buta;
It seems that ancient adage still applies.
Nampaknya pepatah kuno masih berlaku.
I guess I should have seen right through you,
Kurasa seharusnya aku melihat melalui dirimu,
But the moon got in my eyes
Tapi bulan masuk ke mataku