Terjemahan Lirik - Little Drunk Fists

Little drunk fists across the tip of my chin
Tongkat kecil kepalan tangan di ujung daguku
Guess I should've known that they'd be there again
Kurasa seharusnya aku tahu mereka akan berada di sana lagi
Little drunk fists across the width of my jaw
Kepalan tangan kecil di seluruh rahangku
Gets sometimes to where I just don't feel them at all
Terkadang ke tempat saya sama sekali tidak merasakannya sama sekali
That's OK, I can wait another day For these stupid concessions to be made
Tidak apa-apa, saya bisa menunggu hari lain Untuk konsesi bodoh ini dibuat
And you weren't to blame
Dan Anda tidak bisa disalahkan
We put Jack and Johnny Walkers' names In the policeman's notebook when he came
Kami memasukkan nama Jack dan Johnny Walkers di buku catatan polisi saat dia datang
Little drunk fists need some time to there own
Tongkat kecil yang mabuk butuh beberapa saat ke sana sendiri
Went out to meet some friends but ended up all alone
Pergi menemui beberapa teman tapi berakhir sendirian
Little drunk fists find and pick up a phone, But fumble on the numbers when they try to dial home
Tinju mabuk kecil menemukan dan mengangkat telepon, Tapi meraba-raba angka saat mereka mencoba menghubungi rumah

Little drunk fists reach for just one more round
Tinju mabuk hanya meraih satu putaran lagi
But end up buying a sixth when the fifth hits the ground
Tapi akhirnya membeli yang keenam saat kelima menyentuh tanah
Little baby fists touch my face; clutch my nose, Though they'd rather touch their mother's, but she don't know
Kepalan tangan bayi kecil menyentuh wajahku; kopling hidungku, meski mereka lebih suka menyentuh ibu mereka, tapi dia tidak tahu
Little drunk fists drove the car home last night, Turned left on Oak Street when they should have turned right
Tinju mabuk kecil mengendarai mobil pulang tadi malam, Berbelok ke kiri di Oak Street saat mereka seharusnya berbalik ke kanan