- Arti Lirik Kneel To The Cross

Berikan kami roti dan kuburkan kematian kami
Give us our bread and bury our dead
Dan berlutut di kayu salib di dinding
And kneel to the cross on the wall
Apakah dibakar di tiang pancang atau diminum saat bangun
Whether burnt at the stake or drunk at the wake
Berlututlah di kayu salib di dinding
Just kneel to the cross on the wall
Kami memiliki dosa asal, tapi mungkin kita baru saja masuk
We've original sin, but we might just get in
Jika kita memohon kepada salib di dinding
If we beg to the cross on the wall
Ini menggetarkan pedang Anda dan mencintai tetangga Anda
It's rattle your sabre and love your neighbours
Tapi berlutut di salib itu di dinding.
But kneel to that cross on the wall.

Melihat atap jatuh, mendengar bunyi lonceng macet
See the roof fall, hear the bells crash
Saat daging dan tulang berubah menjadi abu
As flesh and bone turn to ash
Mencoba menaklukkan matahari dengan embun beku Kristen
Tried to conquer the sun with a Christian frost
Bau busuk di bawah salib
The corpses' stench beneath the cross

Beri mereka emas dan mereka akan menyelamatkan jiwamu
Give them gold and they'll save your soul
Dan berlutut di kayu salib di dinding
And kneel to the cross on the wall
Salam kepada atasan si besar yang tidak dicuci
Hail to the boss of the great unwashed
Dan berlutut di kayu salib di dinding
And kneel to the cross on the wall
Mereka meratap dan menangis, berbaris domba-dombanya
They wail and weep, the march of the sheep
Saat mereka pergi ke salib di dinding
As they go to the cross on the wall
Dan memang keliru untuk berani kuat
And it's ever so wrong to dare to be strong
Jadi berlututlah di kayu salib di dinding
So kneel to the cross on the wall