- Hotel Can't Afford Ya Lirik Terjemahan

From a dark desert highway we pulled into the inn
Dari jalan raya padang pasir yang gelap kami masuk ke penginapan
Rome called for a census, I was from Bethlehem
Roma meminta sensus, saya berasal dari Betlehem
Up above from a distance a star was giving me light
Di atas dari kejauhan, sebuah bintang memberi saya cahaya
My wife was heavy ‘cause her child was due
Istri saya sangat berat karena anak laki-lakinya jatuh tempo
We had to stop for the night
Kami harus berhenti semalaman

So I stood in the doorway of Bethlehem hotel
Jadi saya berdiri di ambang pintu hotel Bethlehem
And I was thinking to myself “I hope to heaven they'll give me some help”
Dan saya berpikir untuk diri saya sendiri “Saya berharap ke surga mereka akan memberi saya pertolongan”
But they told us no-can-do and they sent me away
Tapi mereka mengatakan tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa dan mereka mengusirku
“There's a place around the corner though where you both can stay”
“Ada tempat di sekitar sudut meskipun di mana Anda berdua bisa tinggal”

Welcome, but the hotel can't afford ya
Selamat datang, tapi hotel tidak mampu ya
Such a lovely place but we're out of space
Tempat yang indah tapi kami kehabisan ruang
Ran out of room and the hotel can't afford ya
Keluar dari kamar dan hotel tidak mampu ya
It's the time of year with the census here
Ini adalah waktu dalam setahun dengan sensus di sini

My wife was definitely gifted, that's what the Lord's angel said
Istri saya benar-benar berbakat, itulah yang dikatakan malaikat Tuhan
She was about to have a baby boy while still virgin
Dia akan memiliki bayi laki-laki saat masih perawan
Spent the night in the barnyard, cheap slumlord's rent
Menghabiskan malam di barnyard, sewa kumuh murah
Some night to remember, some night to forget
Beberapa malam untuk diingat, beberapa malam untuk dilupakan

So because of what happened I was grieving for my wife
Jadi karena apa yang terjadi aku berduka atas istriku
I said “They probably haven't cleaned in here since B.C. 65”
Saya berkata “Mereka mungkin belum dibersihkan di sini sejak SM 65”
Animal voices were calling for straw and hay
Suara binatang memanggil sedotan dan jerami
Keeping you up in the middle of the night just as if to say…
Menjaga Anda di tengah malam seolah-olah mengatakan & hellip;

Welcome, but the hotel can't afford ya
Selamat datang, tapi hotel tidak mampu ya
Such a lovely place, but we're out of space
Tempat yang begitu indah, tapi kami kehabisan ruang
Holiday rush and the hotel can't afford ya
Holiday rush dan hotel tidak mampu ya
What a nice surprise for your silent night
Kejutan yang menyenangkan untuk malammu yang sunyi

He was born that evening and shepherds came that night
Dia lahir malam itu dan gembala datang malam itu
And they said “We're all just visitors here of the Holy Christ”
Dan mereka berkata “Kita semua hanyalah pengunjung di sini tentang Kristus yang Kudus”
And in the ass's manger, they found the boy asleep
Dan di palungan pantat, mereka menemukan anak laki-laki itu tertidur
They started getting teary eyed so they went back to their sheep
Mereka mulai berlinang air mata sehingga mereka kembali ke dombanya

Last thing I remember there were wise men at the door
Hal terakhir yang saya ingat ada orang bijak di pintu
They had a bunch of packages from the place they were before
Mereka punya banyak paket dari tempat mereka sebelumnya
“We're late,” said the wise men “We had problems Christmas Eve
“Kami terlambat,” kata orang bijak “Kami mengalami masalah pada Malam Natal
We've been checking out your shiny light all through the Middle East”
Kami telah memeriksa cahaya mengilap Anda di seluruh Timur Tengah “