- Headshots Lirik Terjemahan

Lyrics by Suzanne Vega
Lirik dari Suzanne Vega
Music by Mitchell Froom and Suzanne Vega
Musik oleh Mitchell Froom dan Suzanne Vega

The sign said “Headshots”
Tanda itu bertuliskan “Headshots”
And that was all,
Dan itu saja,
A picture of a boy
Gambar seorang anak laki-laki
And a number you could call,
Dan nomor yang bisa Anda hubungi,
Two eyes in the shade
Dua mata di tempat teduh
A mouth so sad and small,
Mulut begitu sedih dan kecil,
It's strange the way a shadow
Aneh rasanya bayangan
Can fall across the wall,
Bisa jatuh di dinding,
And make the difference
Dan buat bedanya
In what you see
Dalam apa yang Anda lihat

He's just a poster, but
Dia hanya poster, tapi
He's everywhere,
Dia ada dimana-mana,
A face under a street lamp
Sebuah wajah di bawah lampu jalan
Ripped and hanging in the air,
Merobek dan menggantung di udara,
Turn the corner
Belok tikungan
And he's still there,
Dan dia masih di sana,
Watching all the people
Menonton semua orang
Who are passing unaware,
Siapa yang tidak sadar,
Is there a judgement
Apakah ada penghakiman?
In what he sees?
Dalam apa yang dia lihat?

On a day
Pada satu hari
As cold
Seperti dingin
And gray
Dan abu-abu
As today…
Seperti hari ini …

The sign says “Headshots”
Tanda itu mengatakan “Headshots”
It's all I see,
Hanya itu yang saya lihat,
A boy becomes a picture
Seorang anak laki-laki menjadi gambaran
Of guilt and sympathy,
Rasa bersalah dan simpati,
And so I think of you
Dan aku memikirkanmu
In memory
Dalam kenangan
Of the days we were together,
Dari hari-hari kita bersama,
And I knew that you loved me
Dan aku tahu bahwa kau mencintaiku
That was the difference
Itulah bedanya
In what we see,
Dalam apa yang kita lihat,
But that's history…
Tapi itu sejarah …

Copyright © 1996 WB Music Corp.(ASCAP)/Waifersongs, Ltd. (ASCAP)/Wyoming Flesh Publishing (ASCAP)
Hak Cipta & Salin; 1996 WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) / Waifersongs, Ltd. (ASCAP) / Wyoming Flesh Publishing (ASCAP)

All Rights Reserved/Used By Permission
Semua Hak Dilindungi / Digunakan Dengan Izin

Suzanne Vega – vocals
Suzanne Vega – vokal
Pete Thomas – drums
Pete Thomas – drum
Steve Donnelly – electric guitars
Steve Donnelly – gitar elektrik
Bruce Thomas – bass
Bruce Thomas – bass
Mitchell Froom – keyboards
Mitchell Froom – keyboard
Tchad Blake – whistle sample
Tchad Blake – bersiul sampel