Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik Bruce Springsteen - Galveston Bay

For fifteen years Le Bin Son
Selama lima belas tahun Le Bin Son
Fought side by side with the Americans
Berjuang berdampingan dengan Amerika
In the mountains and deltas of Vietnam
Di pegunungan dan delta Vietnam
In ’75 Saigon fell and he left his command
Saigon jatuh dan dia meninggalkan komandonya
And brought his family to the promised land
Dan membawa keluarganya ke tanah perjanjian

Seabrook, Texas and the small towns in the Gulf of Mexico
Seabrook, Texas dan kota-kota kecil di Teluk Meksiko
It was delta country and reminded him of home
Itu adalah negara delta dan mengingatkannya akan rumah
He worked as a machinist, put his money away
Dia bekerja sebagai masinis, menaruh uangnya
And bought a shrimp boat with his cousin
Dan membeli perahu udang dengan sepupunya
And together they harvested Galveston Bay
Dan bersama-sama mereka memanen Galveston Bay

In the mornin’ ’fore the sun come up
Di pagi hari & rsquo; & rsquo; kedepan matahari terbit
He’d kiss his sleepin’ daughter
Dia menciumnya tidur & rsquo; putri
Steer out through the channel
Pergi melalui saluran
And cast his nets into the water
Dan melemparkan jala ke air

Billy Sutter fought with Charlie Company
Billy Sutter bertengkar dengan Charlie Company
In the highlands of Quang Tri
Di dataran tinggi Quang Tri
He was wounded in the battle of Chu Lai
Dia terluka dalam pertempuran Chu Lai
Shipped home in ’68
Dikirim di rumah di & rsquo; 68

There he married and worked the gulf fishing grounds
Di sana ia menikah dan bekerja di tempat memancing ikan
In a boat that’d been his father’s
Di dalam sebuah kapal yang telah menjadi ayah dan ayahnya
In the morning he’d kiss his sleeping son
Di pagi hari dia mencium anaknya yang sedang tidur
And cast his nets into the water
Dan melemparkan jala ke air

Billy sat in front of his TV as the South fell
Billy duduk di depan TV saat South jatuh
And the communists rolled into Saigon
Dan komunis berguling ke Saigon
He and his friends watched as the refugees came
Dia dan teman-temannya menyaksikan saat para pengungsi datang
Settled on the same streets and worked the coast they’d grew up on
Menetap di jalan yang sama dan bekerja di pantai yang mereka tinggali
Soon in the bars around the harbor was talk
Segera di bar di sekitar pelabuhan ada pembicaraan
Of America for Americans
Amerika untuk orang Amerika
Someone said “You want ’em out, you got to burn ’em out.”
Seseorang berkata “Anda ingin keluar, Anda harus membakar dan keluar.”
And brought in the Texas Klan
Dan dibawa ke Texas Klan

One humid Texas night there were three shadows on the harbor
Suatu malam di Texas yang lembab ada tiga bayangan di pelabuhan
Come to burn the Vietnamese boats into the sea
Datanglah untuk membakar kapal-kapal Vietnam ke laut
In the fire’s light shots rang out
Di tengah tembakan api & rsquo;
Two Texans lay dead on the ground
Dua orang Texas terbaring mati di tanah
Le stood with a pistol in his hand
Le berdiri dengan pistol di tangannya

A jury acquitted him in self-defense
Juri membebaskannya untuk membela diri
As before the judge he did stand
Seperti sebelumnya hakim dia berdiri
But as Le walked down the courthouse steps
Tapi saat Le berjalan menuruni tangga gedung pengadilan
Billy said “My friend you’re a dead man.”
Billy berkata, “Teman saya, Anda adalah orang mati.”

One late summer night Le stood watch along the waterside
Suatu malam di akhir musim panas Le berdiri berjaga di sepanjang waterside
Billy stood in the shadows
Billy berdiri dalam bayang-bayang
His K-bar knife in his hand
K-bar nya pisau di tangannya
And the moon slipped behind the clouds
Dan bulan menyelinap di balik awan
Le lit a cigarette, the bay was still as glass
Le menyalakan sebatang rokok, teluk itu masih seperti kaca
As he walked by Billy stuck his knife into his pocket
Saat dia berjalan dengan Billy memasukkan pisaunya ke sakunya
Took a breath and let him pass
Tarik napas dan biarkan dia lewat

In the early darkness Billy rose up
Di kegelapan pagi, Billy bangkit berdiri
Went into the kitchen for a drink of water
Pergi ke dapur untuk minum air
Kissed his sleeping wife
Mencium istrinya yang sedang tidur
Headed into the channel
Menuju ke saluran
And cast his nets into the water
Dan melemparkan jala ke air
Of Galveston Bay
Teluk Galveston