- Lagu Cow Pattie Lirik Terjemahan

From the Bad Lands came The Killer, he lived by the knife and the gun.
Dari Bad Lands datang The Killer, dia tinggal dengan pisau dan pistolnya.
He'd cut you just for standing, shoot you if you tried to run.
Dia akan memotongmu hanya untuk berdiri, menembakmu jika kamu mencoba berlari.
He was big as a tree, and he did as he pleased,
Dia besar seperti pohon, dan dia melakukan apa yang dia suka,
And eveything he did was bad.
Dan eveything yang dia lakukan itu buruk.
They said if you was to kill him, you'd only make him mad.
Mereka bilang jika Anda membunuhnya, Anda hanya akan membuatnya marah.
From the good lands came the Cow Girl, Pattie was her name.
Dari tanah yang bagus datang Cow Girl, Pattie adalah namanya.
She was hot on the trail of that Killer on a moped she called “Flame.”
Dia sedang panas di jalan Killer itu di sebuah moped yang dia sebut “Flame.”
Cause the killer had killed her daddy just for spittin' in the road.
Sebab si pembunuh telah membunuh ayahnya hanya untuk spittin ‘di jalan.
And you only had to killer her daddy once to get that gal Pee O'd.
Dan Anda hanya harus membunuh ayahnya sekali untuk mendapatkan gadis itu Pee O’d.

Paduan suara:
Yipee I a, Yippe I a, Cow Pattie. She roared into town to find the man that
Yipee I a, Yippe I a, Sapi Pattie. Dia menderu ke kota untuk menemukan pria itu
killed her daddy, Yippeee I a, (spoken) Cow Pattie.
membunuh ayahnya, Yippeee I a, (diucapkan) Sapi Pattie.

Killer hit town at daybreak, ate the door off the local saloon.
Pembunuh menghantam kota saat fajar menyingsing, memakan pintu dari penjual lokal.
He started to drink, you could tell he was thinkin' there'd be a show down
Dia mulai minum, Anda bisa mengatakan bahwa dia berpikir akan ada acungan
Pattie hit town in a cloud of dust, ole Flame was buzzin' like a saw.
Pattie menghantam kota dengan awan debu, tapi Flame tampak seperti gergaji.
And the whole town got quiet as a church when the killer stepped out for the
Dan seluruh kota diam seperti gereja saat si pembunuh melangkah keluar
Forty shots rang out, forty people fell,
Empat puluh tembakan terdengar, empat puluh orang terjatuh,
Pattie and the Killer missed each other.
Pattie dan si Pembunuh saling merindukan.
But they shot that town to hell.
Tapi mereka menembak kota itu ke neraka.

Paduan suara:

Killer took a step toward Pattie, said, “It's time I gunned you down.”
Pembunuh mengambil langkah ke arah Pattie, berkata, “Sudah waktunya saya menembaki Anda.”
But he slipped in something that was laying in the street,
Tapi dia menyelipkan sesuatu yang sedang diletakkan di jalan,
And was shot before he hit the ground.
Dan ditembak sebelum dia menyentuh tanah.
Yes, the Killer slipped and it cost him his life,
Ya, si Pembunuh tergelincir dan harganya seumur hidupnya,
And Pattie said as she roared out of town,
Dan Pattie berkata sambil meraung ke luar kota,
“You gotta watch your step when you know the chips are down.”
“Anda harus melihat langkah Anda saat Anda tahu chipnya sedang down.”

Paduan suara:


Onnnnnnnnnnn Flammmmmeee!!!
Onnnnnnnnnnn Flammmmmeee !!!