Terjemahan Lirik Sam Hunt - Cop Car

We drove right past
Kami melaju melewatinya
That no trespassing sign
Itu tidak ada tanda pelanggaran
We sat on the tailgate
Kami duduk di bak truk
And watched the planes take off
Dan melihat pesawat lepas landas

We thought we had all night
Kami pikir kami sepanjang malam
There was no need to rush
Tidak perlu terburu-buru
That’s when those cops
Saat itulah polisi itu
Came pulling up
Datang menarik
And I thought
Dan saya pikir
Man, ain’t this some shhhh
Man, bukankah ini shhhh?

Your daddy’s gonna kill me
Ayahmu akan membunuhku
But if I survive tonight
Tapi kalau aku bertahan malam ini
I wouldn’t change one thing
Saya tidak akan mengubah satu hal
Baby, yeah
Sayang, ya
I know it sounds crazy
Aku tahu kedengarannya gila

But there was somethin bout the way
Tapi ada sesuatu tentang jalannya
The blue lights were shinin
Lampu biru itu bersinar
Bringing out the freedom in your eyes
Membawa kebebasan di matamu
I was too busy watching you
Aku terlalu sibuk mengawasimu
Going wild child
Pergi anak liar
To be worried about going to jail
Khawatir akan dipenjara
You were thinking that
Anda berpikir begitu
Running for it
Berlari untuk itu
Would make a good story
Akan membuat cerita yang bagus
I was thinking you were crazy as hell
Kupikir kau gila sekali
And you were so
Dan kau begitu
Tidak bersalah
But you were stealing my heart
Tapi kau mencuri hatiku
I fell in love in the back of a cop car
Aku jatuh cinta di belakang mobil polisi

Man, they weren’t playin
Man, mereka tidak main-main
They sure threw those cuffs on quick
Mereka pasti melempar borgol itu dengan cepat
You tried to sweet talk ’em
Anda mencoba untuk berbicara manis ‘mereka
They didn’t fall for it
Mereka tidak jatuh untuk itu
But I did
Tapi aku melakukannya
You were on the left
Anda berada di sebelah kiri
I was on the right
Saya berada di sebelah kanan
I knew you didn’t smoke
Aku tahu kau tidak merokok
When you asked him for a light
Saat Anda memintanya untuk mencari cahaya
And I laughed
Dan aku tertawa
He got mad and slammed the door
Dia marah dan membanting pintu

Your daddy’s gonna kill me
Ayahmu akan membunuhku
But if I survive tonight
Tapi kalau aku bertahan malam ini
I wouldn’t change one thing
Saya tidak akan mengubah satu hal
Baby, yeah
Sayang, ya
I know it sounds crazy
Aku tahu kedengarannya gila

But there was somethin bout the way
Tapi ada sesuatu tentang jalannya
The blue lights were shinin
Lampu biru itu bersinar
Bringing out the freedom in your eyes
Membawa kebebasan di matamu
I was too busy watching you
Aku terlalu sibuk mengawasimu
Going wild child
Pergi anak liar
To be worried about going to jail
Khawatir akan dipenjara
You were thinking that
Anda berpikir begitu
Running for it
Berlari untuk itu
Would make a good story
Akan membuat cerita yang bagus
I was thinking you were crazy as hell
Kupikir kau gila sekali
And you were so
Dan kau begitu
Tidak bersalah
But you were stealing my heart
Tapi kau mencuri hatiku
I fell in love in the back of a cop car
Aku jatuh cinta di belakang mobil polisi

Side by side
And locked in tight
Dan terkunci rapat
They were taking their time
Mereka mengambil waktu mereka
But we didn’t mind
Tapi kami tidak keberatan

We talked
Kami berbicara
And we laughed
Dan kami tertawa
We sat real close
Kami duduk sangat dekat
By the time they let us go
Pada saat mereka membiarkan kita pergi
I was already gone
Aku sudah pergi

But there was somethin bout the way
Tapi ada sesuatu tentang jalannya
The blue lights were shinin
Lampu biru itu bersinar
Bringing out the freedom in your eyes
Membawa kebebasan di matamu
I was too busy watching you
Aku terlalu sibuk mengawasimu
Going wild child
Pergi anak liar
To be worried about going to jail
Khawatir akan dipenjara
You were thinking that
Anda berpikir begitu
Running for it
Berlari untuk itu
Would make a good story
Akan membuat cerita yang bagus
I was thinking you were crazy as hell
Kupikir kau gila sekali
And you were so
Dan kau begitu
Tidak bersalah
But you were stealing my heart
Tapi kau mencuri hatiku
I fell in love in the back of a cop car
Aku jatuh cinta di belakang mobil polisi