Arti Lirik - Condition Oakland

I rode down to the tracks.
Aku naik ke jalur.
Thinking they might sing to me.
Berpikir mereka mungkin bernyanyi untuk saya.
But they just stared back.
Tapi mereka hanya balas menatap.
Broken, trainless and black as night.
Rusak, tanpa kereta dan hitam seperti malam.
Climbed out onto my roof.
Naik ke atap saya.
So I’d be a poet in the night.
Jadi saya akan menjadi penyair di malam hari.
Beat the walls off my room.
Kalahkan dinding dari kamarku.
I saw the big room that is this life.
Aku melihat ruangan besar itulah hidup ini.

This is my condition:
Inilah kondisi saya:
Naked and hysterical,
Telanjang dan histeris,
Reaching to grab a hand
Mencapai tangan
that I just slapped back at.
bahwa saya hanya menampar kembali.
This is my condition:
Inilah kondisi saya:
Desperate, alone,
Putus asa, sendiri,
Without an excuse.
Tanpa alasan
I try to explain. Christ, what’s the use?
Saya coba jelaskan. Astaga, apa gunanya?

Read and I felt so small.
Baca dan aku merasa sangat kecil.
Some words keep speaking
Beberapa kata terus berbicara
When you close the book.
Saat Anda menutup buku itu.
Drank and just about smiled.
Minum dan hampir tersenyum.
Then I remembered us in that bed.
Lalu aku ingat kita di tempat tidur itu.
Put my ear to the door.
Letakkan telingaku ke pintu.
I just heard hot rods
Saya baru saja mendengar hot rods
and gunshots and sirens.
dan suara tembakan dan sirene.
People kill me these days.
Orang membunuhku akhir-akhir ini.
There’s keys in their eyes
Ada kunci di mata mereka
But they lock from the inside.
Tapi mereka mengunci dari dalam.