- Lagu Champagne Lecture Lirik Terjemahan

FZ: You know, a lotsa of people don't bother about their friends in the VEGETABLE KINGDOM. They think, “What can I say? What can a person who is new to the Midwest say to a vegetable?”
FZ: Anda tahu, banyak orang tidak peduli dengan teman mereka di KERAJAAN VEGETABLE. Mereka berpikir, “Apa yang bisa saya katakan? Apa yang bisa orang yang baru mengenal Midwest katakan pada sayuran?”
Howard: Suss it out, wankers!
Howard: Suss it out, wankers!
Mark: Suss it out, wankers!
Mark: Suss it out, wankers!
Mark & Howard: Suss it out, wankers!
Mark & ​​Howard: Suss it out, wankers!
Jeff: Suss it out, wankers
Jeff: Suss it out, wankers
FZ: Suss it out, wankers!
FZ: Suss it out, wankers!
Mark & Howard: Suss it out, wankers!
Mark & ​​Howard: Suss it out, wankers!
Aynsley: Suss it out, wankers . . . what's the matter with you?
Aynsley: Suss it out, wankers. . . ada apa dengan kamu
Howard: Aynsley Dunbar!
Howard: Aynsley Dunbar!
FZ: And after sussed it out, wankers . . .
FZ: Dan setelah sussed it out, wankers. . .
Mark: Ok
Tandai: Ok
FZ: You go and get yourself a big bottle of champagne!
FZ: Anda pergi dan ambil sebotol sampanye!
Mothers: AAAH!
Ibu: AAAH!
FZ: Find yourself a young vegetable victim!
FZ: Temukan dirimu sebagai korban sayuran muda!
Mothers: Yeah!
Ibu: iya
FZ: Take your young vegetable victim . . . Step one, now this is very important, you have to do it exactly this way. Bring the band on down behind me, boys, this gets technnical! First: You get a Polaroid camera . . .
FZ: Bawa korban sayuran muda Anda. . . Langkah pertama, sekarang ini sangat penting, Anda harus melakukannya dengan cara ini. Bawa band di belakang saya, anak laki-laki, ini mendapat technnical! Pertama: Anda mendapatkan kamera Polaroid. . .
Mothers: Yeah!
Ibu: iya
FZ: And you make one good jump, from a balcony to another balcony on the seventh floor of the Sheraton Hotel in Jacksonville
FZ: Dan Anda membuat satu lompatan yang baik, dari balkon ke balkon lain di lantai tujuh Hotel Sheraton di Jacksonville
Howard: Aynsley Dunbar, ladies and gentlemen
Howard: Aynsley Dunbar, ladies and gentlemen
FZ: When you land on the other balcony with your Polaroid camera, something like this . . .
FZ: Saat Anda mendarat di balkon lain dengan kamera Polaroid Anda, ada yang seperti ini. . .
Mothers: Heeey!
Ibu: Heeey!
FZ: Shoot off one good flashbulb catching . . . The agent will immediately turn around and say, “You know, I sure would like to have that photograph.” You walk up to the agent and say, “Well, ha, funny you should mention it, I have this photograph here and just about time to develop it, yes it turned out great, it shows both of you here, and I'll give you this photograph if you'll give me the munchkin vegetable that you're with in order that I might make a few more pictures . . . ” So you make a quick trade, holding the champagne bottle in abeyance until the rest of the members of your band have jumped over the same balcony . . .
FZ: Tunda satu tangkapan flashbulb yang bagus. . . Agen akan segera berbalik dan berkata, “Anda tahu, saya yakin ingin memotret itu.” Anda berjalan ke agen dan berkata, “Baiklah, ha, lucu Anda harus menyebutkannya, saya punya foto ini dan cukup lama untuk mengembangkannya, ya ternyata hebat, ini menunjukkan kalian berdua di sini, dan saya akan berikan foto ini jika Anda memberi saya sayuran munchkin yang Anda inginkan agar saya bisa membuat beberapa gambar lagi … “Jadi Anda melakukan perdagangan singkat, memegang botol sampanye sampai selesai, sampai sisa makanan itu habis. anggota band Anda melompati balkon yang sama. . .
Mothers: Eeeeeeeeh!
Ibu: Eeeeeeeeh!
FZ: And come in and taken their places around the bed where the munchkin vegetable is laid out, posing: Leg up in the air and legs down, legs to the side. Then, after some deft manipulat
FZ: Dan masuklah dan ambil tempat mereka di sekitar tempat tidur dimana sayuran munchkin diletakkan, berpose: Berdirilah di udara dan kaki ke bawah, ke samping. Lalu, setelah beberapa cekatan manipulat