Seks santai-apakah itu irasional?
I think it's time to find out why
Saya pikir sudah waktunya untuk mencari tahu mengapa
Soon I'll fall asleep it's nighttime
Tak lama lagi aku akan tertidur di malam hari
In a dream there's a dolphin
Dalam mimpi ada seekor lumba-lumba
And a soldier are walking
Dan seorang tentara sedang berjalan
Through the sand for the door
Melalui pasir untuk pintu
In an office theres a hostess
Di kantor ada nyonya rumah
Who had carried a friend and wheeled him into a drawer
Siapa yang membawa seorang teman dan mendorongnya ke laci
She pulls his file
Dia menarik berkasnya
The air is cold
Udara terasa dingin
Down the aisle we follow her
Di gang kami mengikutinya
I'm thinking casual sex,
Aku sedang berpikir seks bebas,
The feeling
Casual sex,
Seks santai,
The soldier's life's the same as mine
Kehidupan prajurit itu sama dengan milikku
He's attracted to a nun
Dia tertarik pada seorang biarawati
But the feeling of sex is nothing possible yet
Tapi perasaan seks sama sekali tidak mungkin
A new wave soldier standing next to a young nun
Seorang tentara gelombang baru berdiri di samping seorang biarawati muda
The nun just has to face,
Biarawati hanya harus menghadapi,
Her darkened skirt over her legs
Roknya yang gelap di atas kakinya
They're getting warmer towards the insides and they're tall
Mereka semakin hangat terhadap bagian dalam dan mereka tinggi
The inexistance of time is not a painting,
Ketiadaan waktu bukanlah sebuah lukisan,
It's life
Inilah hidup
They're into roads and gloves and goggle glass and carstops
Mereka masuk ke jalan, sarung tangan, kaca goggle, dan carstops
The feeling of sex is nothing possible yet
Perasaan seks tidak mungkin dilakukan
A new wave soldier standing next to a young nun
Seorang tentara gelombang baru berdiri di samping seorang biarawati muda
The sound of her voice and the handle of her robe
Suara suaranya dan gagang jubahnya
Are getting thinner as the wind begins to speak
Semakin tipis saat angin mulai berbicara
The nun just strikes a pose
Biarawati itu hanya berpose
The soldier's held against the floor
Prajurit itu memegangi lantai
He's walking backwards till he's pinned against stained glass.
Dia berjalan mundur sampai dia disematkan di kaca patri.