Melihat bahwa matanya kosong di bawah tutup setengah tertutup,
Made it all the more disturbing knowing Benny hid
Membuat semua tahu Benny lebih mengganggu
A bump that looked like clods of dirt inside some sickly lung
Sebuah benjolan yang tampak seperti gumpalan kotoran di dalam paru-paru sakit-sakitan
That barely peeked beneath his shirt and twitched like Toto's tongue.
Itu hampir tidak mengintip dari balik kemejanya dan berkedut seperti lidah Toto.
For fifty cents inside a tent adjacent to the rest,
Untuk lima puluh sen di dalam tenda yang berdekatan dengan yang lain,
The weaker soul could hide their eyes while Benny bared his chest;
Jiwa yang lebih lemah bisa menyembunyikan mata mereka sementara Benny memamerkan dadanya;
He rubbed the bump with oleo and little bits of meat
Dia mengusap benjolan oleo dan potongan daging kecil
And stroked the shape as it extended down towards his feet.
Dan membelai bentuknya saat melebar ke arah kakinya.
Bounce Benny bounce Bouncing Benny
Bouncing Benny bangkit memantul Benny
He would put a record on then go into a trance
Dia akan mencatatnya lalu mengalami kesurupan
Until he heard his mother's favorite polka then he danced;
Sampai dia mendengar polka favorit ibunya, dia menari;
The record player went too fast but Benny didn't care,
Pemain rekaman pergi terlalu cepat tapi Benny tidak peduli,
He simply bounced around the room while people stood and stared.
Dia hanya terpental di sekitar ruangan sementara orang berdiri dan menatap.
Benny really only cared about one single thing –
Benny benar-benar hanya peduli satu hal saja –
He collected magazines called “Women in the Ring”;
Dia mengumpulkan majalah berjudul “Women in the Ring”;
He kept them all in plastic bags and everybody said
Dia menyimpan semuanya dalam kantong plastik dan semua orang berkata
That Benny talked to them at night before he went to bed.
Bahwa Benny berbicara dengan mereka di malam hari sebelum ia pergi tidur.
Bounce Benny bounce Bouncing Benny
Bouncing Benny bangkit memantul Benny
I need someone to wrestle with she'd have to wear a hood,
Aku butuh seseorang untuk bergumul dengan dia harus memakai tudung,
And hold me in a hammerlock if she was feeling good.
Dan pegang aku di hammerlock jika dia merasa baik.
She'd probably have a ponytail that stuck out from the back
Dia mungkin punya ekor kuda yang menonjol dari belakang
And I bet her eyes would shine – right when she attacked;
Dan aku yakin matanya akan bersinar – tepat saat dia menyerang;
She might be kind of mean some times and act like we weren't friends,
Dia mungkin agak jahat beberapa kali dan bertindak seperti kita bukan teman,
But when the match was over we'd be buddies till the end;
Tapi saat pertandingan usai, kita akan menjadi teman sampai akhir;
I've got to go! I've got to go! I know that she is there –
Saya harus pergi! Saya harus pergi! Aku tahu dia ada di sana –
Waiting in a ring for me to hug her like a bear.
Menunggu di dalam ring untuk memeluknya seperti beruang.
Follow that dream Benny follow that dream…
Ikuti mimpi itu Benny ikuti mimpi itu …