lagu Bruce Springsteen - Terjemahan Lirik Angelyne

He was a bouncer in a joint called Tony’s Body Shop
Dia adalah penjaga di sebuah sendi bernama Tony’s Body Shop
She was a night cashier down at the Stop ‘n’ Shop
Dia adalah seorang kasir malam di Stop ‘n’ Shop
He was kinda good-lookin’
Dia agak baik-lihat ‘
And she was kinda fun
Dan dia agak menyenangkan
They met ‘neath that big oak tree
Mereka bertemu dengan pohon oak besar itu
Out where the river runs
Di mana sungai mengalir

Little Angelyne, little Angelyne
Angelyne kecil, Angelyne kecil
As the sun goes down and the moonlight shines
Saat matahari terbenam dan cahaya bulan bersinar
Back of a greyhound bus sit two lovers entwined
Kembali bus greyhound duduk dua kekasih terjalin
Just Big Bill and little Angelyne
Hanya Big Bill dan Angelyne kecil

She was just in from Texas, didn’t know her way around
Dia baru saja masuk dari Texas, tidak tahu jalannya
So he took her to a roadhouse on the edge of town
Jadi dia membawanya ke sebuah rumah bandar di pinggir kota
In the beerhall light she looked so fine
Dalam cahaya beerhall dia terlihat sangat baik
And so he popped the question that was on his mind
Maka dia mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada di pikirannya

It was a simple affair, only a friend or two
Itu adalah perselingkuhan sederhana, hanya satu atau dua teman
Preacher asked if they did, they said they do
Pengkhotbah bertanya apakah mereka melakukannya, mereka bilang begitu
She bought two tickets with her Daddy’s American Express
Dia membeli dua tiket dengan American Express milik Daddy-nya
And hopped a greyhound bus in her wedding dress
Dan naik bus greyhound ke gaun pengantinnya

Little Angelyne, little Angelyne
Angelyne kecil, Angelyne kecil
As the sun goes down and the moonlight shines
Saat matahari terbenam dan cahaya bulan bersinar
Back of a greyhound bus sit two lovers entwined
Kembali bus greyhound duduk dua kekasih terjalin
Just Big Bill and little Angelyne
Hanya Big Bill dan Angelyne kecil

In a six dollar motel with the honey bun
Di motel enam dolar dengan roti madu
With seven glorious days in the Nevada sun
Dengan tujuh hari mulia di bawah sinar matahari Nevada
He played the tables, she pumped the slots full of dimes
Dia memainkan meja, dia memompa slot yang penuh dengan dimes
They came back broke but they had a good time
Mereka kembali bangkrut tapi mereka bersenang-senang

Now many fell apart in the years come and gone
Sekarang banyak yang berantakan di tahun-tahun datang dan pergi
But Big Bill and little Angel they’d last on and on
Tapi Big Bill dan Angel kecil mereka terus-menerus terus
They held together when the times grew thin
Mereka disatukan saat waktunya semakin tipis
A little boy that looked like her, and a girl that looked like him
Anak laki-laki kecil yang tampak seperti dia, dan seorang gadis yang tampak seperti dia

So mister don’t you pay it no mind
Jadi tuan jangan anda bayar tidak ada pikirannya
Let the sun go down and the moonlight shine
Biarkan matahari terbenam dan sinar bulan bersinar
Back of a greyhound bus sit two lovers entwined
Kembali bus greyhound duduk dua kekasih terjalin
Just Big Bill and little Angelyne
Hanya Big Bill dan Angelyne kecil

Little Angelyne, little Angelyne
Angelyne kecil, Angelyne kecil
As the sun goes down and the moonlight shines
Saat matahari terbenam dan cahaya bulan bersinar
Back of a greyhound bus sit two lovers entwined
Kembali bus greyhound duduk dua kekasih terjalin
Just Big Bill and little Angelyne
Hanya Big Bill dan Angelyne kecil

Little Angelyne, little Angelyne
Angelyne kecil, Angelyne kecil
As the sun goes down and the moonlight shines
Saat matahari terbenam dan cahaya bulan bersinar
Back of a greyhound bus sit two lovers entwined
Kembali bus greyhound duduk dua kekasih terjalin
Just Big Bill and little Angelyne
Hanya Big Bill dan Angelyne kecil