Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - Across 10th Street

I was the third brother of five,
Saya adalah saudara ketiga dari lima,
Doing whatever I had to do to survive.
Melakukan apapun yang harus saya lakukan untuk bertahan hidup.
I'm not saying what I did was alright,
Saya tidak mengatakan apa yang saya lakukan itu baik-baik saja,
Trying to break out of the ghetto was a day to day
Mencoba keluar dari ghetto itu dari hari ke hari
Been down so long, getting up didn't cross my mind,
Sudah begitu lama, bangun tidak terlintas dalam pikiranku,
I knew there was a better way of life that I was just
Aku tahu ada cara hidup yang lebih baik
trying to find.
mencoba untuk menemukan.
You don't know what you'll do until you're put under
Anda tidak tahu apa yang akan Anda lakukan sampai Anda meletakkannya di bawah
pressure, Across
tekanan, di seberang
110th Street is a hell of a tester.
110th Street adalah neraka tester.
Across 110th Street,
Di 110th Street,
Pimps trying to catch a woman that's weak
Mucikari berusaha menangkap wanita yang lemah
Across 110th Street,
Di 110th Street,
Pushers won't let the junkie go free.
Pemborong tidak akan membiarkan pecandu bebas.
Across 110th Street,
Di 110th Street,
Woman trying to catch a trick on the street.
Wanita berusaha menangkap tipuan di jalanan.
Across 110th Street,
Di 110th Street,
You can find it all in the street.
Anda bisa menemukannya di jalan.
I got one more thing I'd like to y'all about right now.
Aku punya satu hal lagi yang ingin kuketahui sekarang.
Hey brother, there's a better way out.
Hei kakak, ada jalan keluar yang lebih baik.
Snorting that coke, shooting that dope man you're
Sambil mendengus coke itu, tembaklah obat bius itu siapa kamu
copping out.
copping keluar
Take my advice, it's either live or die.
Ambillah nasihat saya, ini hidup atau mati.
You've got to be strong, if you want to survive.
Anda harus kuat, jika ingin bertahan.
The family on the other side of town,
Keluarga di sisi lain kota,
Would catch hell without a ghetto around.
Akan terjaga tanpa ghetto sekitar.
In every city you find the same thing going down,
Di setiap kota Anda menemukan hal yang sama turun,
Harlem is the capital of every ghetto town.
Harlem adalah ibu kota dari setiap kota ghetto.
Across 110th Street,
Di 110th Street,
Pimps trying to catch a woman that's weak
Mucikari berusaha menangkap wanita yang lemah
Across 110th Street,
Di 110th Street,
Pushers won't let the junkie go free.
Pemborong tidak akan membiarkan pecandu bebas.
Across 110th Street,
Di 110th Street,
A woman trying to catch a trick on the street.
Seorang wanita mencoba menangkap tipuan di jalan.
Across 110th Street,
Di 110th Street,
You can find it all in the street.
Anda bisa menemukannya di jalan.
Look around you, look around you,
Lihatlah ke sekeliling Anda, lihat sekeliling Anda,
Look around you, look around you.
Lihatlah ke sekeliling Anda, lihat sekeliling Anda.