Terjemahan Lirik Glenn Miller - Lagu Were That Couple In The Castle

WE'RE THAT COUPLE IN THE CASTLEGlenn MillerWe're at Nineteen Moonbeam Terrace,Overlooking Starlight Square,We're the couple in the castleWay up high in the air!On the corner there's a cloud bank,and we bank our millions thereWe're the couple in the castle in the air.One day a daydream came a stealingThrough the gloomy part of town.Well, that daydream brought us way up hereAnd we'll never come downCall us Lord and Lady Stardust,Call us crazy, we don't care,We're the couple in the castle in the air
KITA MUNGKIN DI CASTLEGlenn MillerWe’re di Nineteen Moonbeam Terrace, Menghadap ke Starlight Square, Kami adalah pasangan di kastil. Di atas sana ada awan, dan kami mendanai jutaan orang di sana. pasangan di kastil di udara. Suatu hari sebuah lamunan terjadi pencurian. Melalui bagian kota yang suram. Nah, lamunan itu membawa kita ke sini dan kita tidak akan pernah turun. Ya, Tuhan dan Nyonya Stardust, teleponlah kami gila, Perhatian, Kami pasangan di kastil di udara