Arti dan Lirik - This Little Town

There are daffodils blooming
Ada bunga bakung yang mekar
Out by the front stairs
Keluar dari tangga depan
And the sweet smell of lilacs
Dan aroma manis lilac
Seems to hang in the air
Sepertinya menggantung di udara
All through the oak trees
Semua melalui pohon ek
Sunlight makes shadows
Sinar matahari membuat bayangan
That dance on the ground
Tarian itu di tanah
Another spring day is well on its way
Hari musim semi lainnya berjalan dengan baik
In this little town
Di kota kecil ini

He leaves the house early
Dia meninggalkan rumah lebih awal
And he walks through his door
Dan dia berjalan melalui pintunya
Flips the sign in the window
Membalik tanda di jendela
And sweeps the old wooden floor
Dan menyapu lantai kayu tua
Day after day he puts on a smile
Hari demi hari dia tersenyum
For the folks coming 'round
Untuk orang-orang datang ‘bulat
That's just what you do especially when
Itulah yang Anda lakukan terutama kapan
You live in this little town
Anda tinggal di kota kecil ini

Oh, but late in the evening
Oh, tapi sore hari
When he's all by himself
Saat dia sendirian
He takes down the picture
Dia menurunkan gambarnya
That sits on the shelf
Itu duduk di rak
He still hears her voice,
Dia masih mendengar suaranya,
Remembers her touch
Ingat sentuhannya
As he slowly sits down
Saat ia perlahan duduk
Someday he'll be with her
Suatu hari nanti dia akan bersamanya
And won't have to live in this little town
Dan tidak harus tinggal di kota kecil ini

He thinks of the old days
Dia memikirkan masa lalu
When they were still young
Saat mereka masih belia
And the best times together
Dan saat terbaik bersama
Were still yet to come
Masih belum datang
But early last winter the angels
Tapi awal musim dingin lalu para malaikat
Came calling and soon he had found
Datang menelepon dan segera dia temukan
It's not much like home when
Ini tidak seperti rumah kapan
You're living alone in this little town
Anda tinggal sendiri di kota kecil ini

There are daffodils blooming
Ada bunga bakung yang mekar
Out by the front stairs
Keluar dari tangga depan
The robins are singing
Robins bernyanyi
But he doesn't care
Tapi dia tidak peduli
Because it's easier knowing
Karena lebih mudah mengetahui
They'll be together up there in the end
Mereka akan berkumpul di sana pada akhirnya
When his race is run, spring will have come,
Saat balapannya berjalan, musim semi akan datang,
It starts over again
Ini dimulai lagi

Oh, but late in the evening
Oh, tapi sore hari
When he's all by himself
Saat dia sendirian
He takes down the picture
Dia menurunkan gambarnya
That sits on the shelf
Itu duduk di rak
He still hears her voice,
Dia masih mendengar suaranya,
Remembers her touch
Ingat sentuhannya
As he slowly sits down
Saat ia perlahan duduk
Someday he'll be with her
Suatu hari nanti dia akan bersamanya
And won't have to live in this little town
Dan tidak harus tinggal di kota kecil ini
Someday he'll be with her
Suatu hari nanti dia akan bersamanya
In this little town
Di kota kecil ini