Oh, malam dimana Paddy Murphy meninggal, malam yang tidak akan pernah saya lupakan
Some of the boys got loaded drunk, and they ain't got sober yet;
Beberapa anak laki-laki mabuk, dan mereka belum mabuk;
As long as a bottle was passed around every man was feelin' gay
Selama sebotol disahkan setiap orang merasa gay
O'Leary came with the bagpipes, some music for to play
O’Leary datang dengan membawa bagpipe, musik untuk dimainkan
Paduan suara:
That's how they showed their respect for Paddy Murphy
Begitulah cara mereka menunjukkan rasa hormat mereka terhadap Paddy Murphy
That's how they showed their honour and their pride;
Begitulah cara mereka menunjukkan kehormatan dan harga diri mereka;
They said it was a sin and shame and they winked at one another
Mereka bilang itu dosa dan malu dan mereka saling mengedipkan mata
And every drink in the place was full the night Pat Murphy died
Dan setiap minuman di tempat itu penuh pada malam Pat Murphy meninggal
As Mrs. Murphy sat in the corner pouring out her grief
Saat Mrs. Murphy duduk di sudut sambil menuangkan kesedihannya
Kelly and his gang came tearing down the street
Kelly dan gengnya merobohkan jalan
They went into an empty room and a bottle of whiskey stole
Mereka pergi ke sebuah ruangan kosong dan sebotol wiski mencuri
They put the bottle with the corpse to keep that whiskey cold
Mereka meletakkan botol itu dengan mayat itu agar wiski itu kedinginan
Paduan suara
About two o'clock in the morning after empty'ing the jug
Kira-kira pukul dua dini hari setelah mengosongkan kendi
Doyle rolls up the ice box lid to see poor Paddy's mug
Doyle menggulung tutup kotak es untuk melihat mangkuk Paddy yang malang
We stopped the clock so Mrs. Murphy couldn't tell the time
Kami menghentikan jam sehingga Mrs. Murphy tidak tahu waktunya
And at a quarter after two we argued it was nine
Dan pada seperempat setelah dua kami berpendapat itu adalah sembilan
Paduan suara
They stopped the hearse on George Street outside Sundance Saloon
Mereka menghentikan mobil jenazah di George Street di luar Sundance Saloon
They all went in at half past eight and staggered out at noon
Mereka semua masuk pukul setengah delapan dan terhuyung-huyung di siang hari
They went up to the graveyard, so holy and sublime
Mereka pergi ke kuburan, sangat suci dan agung
Found out when they got there, they'd left the corpse behind!
Menemukan saat mereka sampai di sana, mereka telah meninggalkan jenazahnya!
Paduan suara
Oh the night that Paddy Murphy died, is a night I'll never forget
Oh, malam dimana Paddy Murphy meninggal, malam yang tidak akan pernah saya lupakan
Some of the boys got loaded drunk and they ain't been sober yet;
Beberapa anak laki-laki mabuk dan mereka belum mabuk;
As long as a bottle was passed around every man was feelin' gay
Selama sebotol disahkan setiap orang merasa gay
O'Leary came with the bagpipes, some music for to play
O’Leary datang dengan membawa bagpipe, musik untuk dimainkan
Paduan suara