Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - Summerhouse

Down by the dock, hot blood in the sun.
Di dekat dermaga, darah panas di bawah sinar matahari.
The body lays up against the reeds.
Tubuh menempel di atas alang-alang.
The locals said, the man had it coming,
Penduduk setempat mengatakan, pria itu memilikinya,
and it’s time someone put him six feet in the ground.
dan sudah waktunya seseorang menaruhnya enam kaki di tanah.

To Chorus:
Untuk Chorus:
Where did she go that night?
Ke mana dia pergi malam itu?
Where did she sleep when the morning came
Dimana dia tidur saat pagi hari datang
to the summer house?
ke rumah musim panas

Missus showed up to I.D. the body
Missus datang ke I.D. tubuh
Then shed a tear as she hid a smile.
Kemudian meneteskan air mata saat dia menyembunyikan senyuman.
The sergeant laughed and smiled in frustration.
Sersan itu tertawa dan tersenyum frustrasi.
One life is lost while another one is found.
Satu kehidupan hilang sementara yang lain ditemukan.

To Chorus:
Untuk Chorus:
Where did she go that night?
Ke mana dia pergi malam itu?
Where did she sleep when the morning came
Dimana dia tidur saat pagi hari datang
to the summer house?
ke rumah musim panas