lagu - Terjemahan Lirik Streams Of Ancient Wisdom

Streams of ancient life
Aliran kehidupan kuno
flowing down below
mengalir di bawah
visions of the past
visi masa lalu
enter your mind
masuk akal
the past goes by
masa lalu berlalu
as you sleep at night
Saat Anda tidur di malam hari

Journey of forgotten souls
Perjalanan jiwa yang terlupakan
through the ancient night
melalui malam kuno
walking through
berjalan melalui
as you scream temfied
saat kau berteriak temfied
those who once were
mereka yang dulu pernah
cry out to you
berteriak kepadamu
the past goes by
masa lalu berlalu
as you sleep at night
Saat Anda tidur di malam hari