Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - Stratford-on-guy

I was flying into Chicago at night
Aku terbang ke Chicago di malam hari
Watching the lake turn the sky into blue-green smoke
Menonton danau mengubah langit menjadi asap biru-hijau
The sun was setting to the left of the plane
Matahari terbenam di sebelah kiri pesawat
And the cabin was filled with an unearthly glow
Dan kabinnya dipenuhi cahaya yang tidak wajar
In 27-D, I was behind the wing
Pada 27-D, saya berada di belakang sayap
Watching landscape roll out like credits on a screen
Menonton bentang alam seperti kredit di layar

The earth looked like it was lit from within
Bumi tampak seperti diterangi dari dalam
Like a poorly assembled electrical ball
Seperti bola listrik yang dirakit dengan buruk
As we moved out of the farmlands into the grid
Saat kami pindah dari lahan pertanian ke dalam grid
The plan of a city was all that you saw
Rencananya sebuah kota adalah semua yang Anda lihat
And all of these people sitting totally still
Dan semua orang ini duduk diam
As the ground raced beneath them, thirty-thousand feet down
Saat tanah melaju di bawah mereka, tiga puluh ribu kaki ke bawah

It took an hour, maybe a day
Butuh satu jam, mungkin sehari
But once I really listened the noise just fell away
Tapi begitu aku benar-benar mendengarkan suara itu langsung terjatuh

And I was pretending that I was in a Galaxie 500 video
Dan saya berpura-pura bahwa saya berada di video Galaxie 500
The stewardess came back and checked on my drink
Pramugari kembali dan memeriksa minuman saya
In the last strings of sunlight, a Brigitte Bardot
Di senar terakhir sinar matahari, Brigitte Bardot
As I had on my headphones
Seperti yang saya miliki di headphone saya
Along with those eyes that you get
Seiring dengan mata yang Anda dapatkan
When your circumstance is movie-size
Bila keadaan Anda berukuran film

It took an hour, maybe a day
Butuh satu jam, mungkin sehari
But once I really listened the noise just fell away
Tapi begitu aku benar-benar mendengarkan suara itu langsung terjatuh

It took an hour, maybe a day
Butuh satu jam, mungkin sehari
But once I really listened the noise just fell away
Tapi begitu aku benar-benar mendengarkan suara itu langsung terjatuh
But once I really listened the noise just fell away
Tapi begitu aku benar-benar mendengarkan suara itu langsung terjatuh