- She Let Herself Go Lirik Terjemahan

He wondered how she’d take it when he said goodbye.
Dia bertanya-tanya bagaimana dia akan menerimanya saat dia mengucapkan selamat tinggal.
Thought she might do some cryin’: lose some sleep at night.
Kupikir dia mungkin akan menangis beberapa saat: tidur di malam hari.
But he had no idea, when he hit the road,
Tapi dia tidak tahu, saat dia menabrak jalan,
That without him in her life, she’d let herself go.
Tanpa dia dalam hidupnya, dia membiarkan dirinya pergi.

Let herself go on a singles cruise,
Biarkan dirinya melakukan pelayaran tunggal,
To Vegas once, then to Honolulu.
Ke Vegas sekali, lalu ke Honolulu.
Let herself go to New York City:
Biarkan dirinya pergi ke New York City:
A week at the Spa; came back knocked-out pretty.
Seminggu di Spa; kembali tersingkir cantik.
When he said he didn’t love her no more,
Saat dia bilang dia tidak mencintainya lagi,
She let herself go.
Dia membiarkan dirinya pergi.

She poured her heart an’ soul into their three-bedroom ranch.
Dia menuangkan hatinya sebuah ‘jiwa ke dalam pondok tiga kamar tidur mereka.
Spent her days raisin’ babies, ironin’ his pants.
Menghabiskan hari-harinya melahirkan bayi-bayi itu, menyinari celananya.
Came home one day from the grocery store and found his note,
Pulang ke rumah suatu hari dari toko bahan makanan dan menemukan catatannya,
And without him there to stop her, she let herself go.
Dan tanpa dia di sana untuk menghentikannya, dia membiarkan dirinya pergi.

Let herself go on her first blind-date:
Biarkan dirinya menjalani kencan buta pertamanya:
Had the time of her life with some friends at the lake.
Punya waktu hidupnya dengan beberapa teman di danau.
Let herself go, buy a brand new car,
Biarkan dirinya pergi, beli mobil baru,
Drove down to the beach he always said was too far.
Pergi ke pantai yang selalu dia katakan terlalu jauh.
Sand sure felt good between her toes:
Pasir pasti terasa enak diantara jari-jari kakinya:

She let herself go on a singles cruise,
Dia membiarkan dirinya melakukan pelayaran tunggal,
To Vegas once, then to Honolulu.
Ke Vegas sekali, lalu ke Honolulu.
Let herself go to New York City:
Biarkan dirinya pergi ke New York City:
A week at the Spa; came back knocked-out pretty.
Seminggu di Spa; kembali tersingkir cantik.
When he said he didn’t love her no more,
Saat dia bilang dia tidak mencintainya lagi,
She let herself go.
Dia membiarkan dirinya pergi.

To Vegas once: Honolulu, New York City.
Ke Vegas sekali: Honolulu, New York City.
Came back knocked-out pretty.
Datang kembali knocked-out cantik.